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4000th facility has been added to the Ski Jumping Hill Archive
7000th ski jumping hill added to the Archive!
New Granåsen ski jump in Trondheim inaugurated
Fire destroys ski jumps in Biberau-Biberschlag
Copper Peak: Funding of the renovation finally secured
K-Point: | 25 m |
Further jumps: | K10 |
Status: | project not realized |
Further jumps: | no |
Plastic matting: | yes |
Status: | operating |
Ski club: | COS-OPO Szczyrk, Sokół Szczyrk, SLBZN |
Coordinates: | 49.715358, 19.037300 ✔ ![]() ![]() |
On February 14, 1937 the first ski jumping competition organized by WKS Bielsko took place on Skalite ski jump at Szczyrk with distances up to 40 meters. After a modernization in 1953 Antoni Wieczorek jumped a new record of 63.5 meters. Since then numerous Polish Championships and other large competitions were hosted on Skalite HS 93.
Now this ski jumping facility was converted in fall 2007 for the Junior WSC 2008, which were finally replaced to Zakopane due to a lack of snow, into a K95 and also two smaller ski jumps of K70 & K40 were constructed beside. In 2009 the K70 was opened and there was a competition on the HS 106 during “European Youth Olympic Festival”. The inauguration of K40 took place on July 23, 2010.
Post comment:
Nousiainen teraz rekordistou ale Camhreger co jest za loterii
the old K85
the K85 didnt have matting
Rekord letni kobiet
Oficjalny letni rekord kobiet wynosi 102 m! Proszę dodać ponieważ rekord Speli Rogelj to rekord nieoficjalny
Neuer Rekord HS 104
Laut Recherche auf fis-ski.com ist nicht ersichtlich, dass Francesco Cecon den Sommerrekord hält! Es gab nämlich nur einen Durchgang! Ich meine, Vladimir Zografski mit den 106,5 m hat Bestand!
Neuer Rekord HS 104
Der offizielle Herren Schanzenrekord im Sommer auf der HS 104 hat sich geändert! Vladimir Zografski sprang am 05.08.2023 im Rahmen des Weltcups 106,5 m, was zugleich am Ende die Siegesweite war!
K70 new HS
The K70 hill has now a hill size of 75 m instead of 77 m
Rekord skoczni HS-77
7 lutego 2020 r. na zawodach LOTOS CUP Jan Rzadkosz pobił zimowy rekord skoczni HS-77. https://www.pzn.pl/skoki-narciarskie/lotos-cup/aktualnosci/lotos-cup-2020-rekordowe-skoki-rzadkosza-na-skalitem
Springertournee der Freundschaft
Auf welcher Schanze fanden am 22.1. 1967; 24. Januar 1969 und dem 10. Februar 1979 die Springen statt.?
Nowy nieoficjalny rekord skoczni
Piotr Żyła - 111m (Podpórka) - Letnie Mistrzostwa Polski 2019 http://pzn.pl/gfx/pzn/files/skoki/wyniki/lato_2019/mp_szczyrk/oficjalne/08_wyniki_mezczyzni_.pdf
Wyrównany rekord skoczni http://www.pzn.pl/gfx/pzn/files/skoki/wyniki/mtp_30.05_wyniki_open.pdf