Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Odnes Ski Senter, Odnes  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Odnes Ski Senter

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Hill Size: HS 117
K-Point: 105 m
Men Winter Hill record: 122.5 m (Magnus Rostad NOR, 2003-01-23, NJ-NOR)
Women Longest jump: 111.0 m (Merete Kristiansen NOR, 1989-01-22)
Women Winter Hill record: 106.5 m (Anette Sagen NOR, 2002-01-19)
Inrun length: 121.8 m
Inrun angle: 22.5°
Take-off length: 6.26 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 2.63 m
Speed: 89.6 km/h
Landing angle: 35°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 1955, 1985, 2002
Operating until: 2006
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 60.807669, 10.206438 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K105 (1955-2006)K75 (1926-1955)


K-Point: 80 m
Men Winter Hill record: 83.5 m (Tor A. Fjellvikås NOR, 1995-01-15)
83.5 m (Frode Hagen NOR, 1995-01-15)
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 60.807610, 10.207267 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 50 m
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 60.806919, 10.206728 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: ca. 40 m
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 60.806677, 10.206656 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 33 m
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 60.806722, 10.206889 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 15 m
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 60.806583, 10.207139 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1926
Conversions: 1955, 1985, 2002
Operating until: 2006
Year of destruction: 2008
Status: destroyed
Ski club: Fluberg IL
Coordinates: 60.807669, 10.206438 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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On the 1926 constructed Fluberg- or also called Odnesbakken at Odnes Birger Ruud jumped a World record of 76.5 m in 1931. Then today’s K105 ski jump was build in 1955 and for Norwegian Championships in 2002 the jump was converted once again. The 80 and 50 meter jumps were added to Odnes ski senter in 1985.
Nowadays all jumps can’t be used anymore and in January 2007 Fluberg IL even tried to sell the whole ski jumping facility over an online auction, but didn’t find a buyer for the hill. So in fall 2008 the final end for the traditional ski jumping facility had come.
All in all 9 Norwegian Championships were hosted at Odnes (1969, 1972, 1977, 1981, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1993 and 2002). Additionally Johanne Kolstad with 46.5 meters and Merete Kristiansen with 111 meters on January 22, 1989, set up two world records of ladies ski jumping.

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Hill records K105 (Men):

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Hill records K105 (Women):

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Hill records K80 (Men):

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3)   Karl Laurits Olsen   wrote on 2024-12-14 at 18:06:

Hill record K80

On 15 January 1995 both Tor A. Fjellvikås (Norway) and Frode Hagen (Norway) jumped 83.5 m and set a new hill record in the K80 hill.

2)   Karl Laurits Olsen   wrote on 2024-12-12 at 20:49:

Women's hill record

Merete Kristiansen's 111 m in 1989 was actually a fall and thus not a record, but still probably the longest jump ever by a woman in this hill. On 19 January 2002 Anette Sagen (Norway) had a standing jump of 106.5 m.

1)   even   wrote on 2020-12-10 at 12:00:

my dad i the leader of odnes vel.

i live this ski bakke

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