Warning: Undefined array key 5 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 225 Stadio del Trampolino, Pragelato  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Stadio del Trampolino

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Trampolino Olimpico:

Hill Size: HS 140
K-Point: 125 m
Men Winter Hill record: 144.0 m (Simon Ammann SUI, 2008-12-13, WC)
Men Summer Hill record: 143.5 m (Gregor Schlierenzauer AUT, 2007-08-16, SGP)
Inrun length: 98.6 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 6.8 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 3.24 m
Speed: 93.96 km/h
Landing angle: 34.9°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Operating until: 2010
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 45.006347, 6.940467 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 106
K-Point: 95 m
Men Winter Hill record: 108.0 m (Dimitry Ipatov RUS, 2007-01-19, UNI)
Men Winter Official hill record: 104.5 m (Dimitri Vassiliev RUS, 2006-02-12, OWG)
104.5 m (Michael Uhrmann GER, 2006-02-12, OWG)
Inrun length: 88 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 6.4 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 2.38 m
Speed: 87.8 km/h
Landing angle: 34.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Operating until: 2010
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 45.006362, 6.939903 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 66
K-Point: 60 m
Men Summer Hill record: 65.5 m (Tomasz Byrt POL, 2007-08-16, FIS)
Take-off angle: 9.5°
Landing angle: 32.4°
Further jumps: K30, K15
Coordinates: 45.007619, 6.940502 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Spectator capacity: 9,000
Year of construction: 2004
Status: operating
Ski club: Sci Club Val Chisone
Coordinates: 45.006347, 6.940467 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The Olympic ski jumping hills for Torino 2006 in Pragelato have been constructed in 2003 and 2004, in 2005 the last works of the infrastructure at the jump were completed. Pragelato has only 400 inhabitants, is 1,535 meters above sea level, 85 km west of Torino and in the valley of Sestrière. Three smaller jumps have been built for the junior jumpers in the Piemont, too. Pragelato also hosted the Olympic disciplines Nordic Combination and Cross-Country skiing in 2006.
After the Games the Olympic ski jumps had still been used for different kinds of international competition formats, for example in 2007 the ski jumping events of Universiade were staged there. But from winter 2009-2010 onwards the jumps had been closed and were only dilapidating. In December 2011 at least the junior jumps were reactivated and the larger hill should follow, too. The operational cost is 150,000 Euro per year and could only be secured until 2017.
In March 2017 the town council of Pragelato suggested the complete deconstruction of the Olympic large and normal ski jumping hills. Instead, the slope shall be converted into an alpine downhill track and be integrated into the existing small skiing area. Though there is a lack of ski jumping tradition in Piemont region, the three junior hills shall be conserved. The total cost for the deconstruction project shall be around 5.5 million Euros, but a concrete schedule involving all stakeholders doesn't exist yet.

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Hill records K125 (Men):

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Hill records K95 (Men):

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12)   xxx   wrote on 2017-04-03 at 18:30:


Das ist ein Beispiel für die massive Geldverschwendung bei Großturnieren. Für ein Turnier gebaut, anschließend keine Nachnutzung ...

11)   Michele Dardanelli   wrote on 2017-03-31 at 19:12:

HS 140 and HS 106 will be destroyed

It was approved the project of HS 140 and HS 106 destruction, to create new alpin skiing track


10)   Michał   wrote on 2015-10-26 at 23:12:



9)   anna   wrote on 2014-04-22 at 12:22:

nie wiem czy wiecie ale od dwóch lat jest ciężko w tym regionie o prace. Jakieś dwa miesiące temu spotkałam się ze znajomą z Pinasca, wioska poniżej Pragelato. Otóż nie tylko u nas giną trakcje kolejowe czy są rozbierane mosty na złom. Teraz skocznia przeszła zenit swego nie istnienia, została już prawie że całkowicie rozgrabiona przez tamtejszych złomiarzy...

8)   Bill   wrote on 2013-04-13 at 18:25:

Słyszałem, że skocznie były zamknięte z powodu remontu.

7)   ipusernamel9   wrote on 2012-06-16 at 10:16:


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6)   dawidlodz   wrote on 2011-11-05 at 16:18:

na skijumping.pl piszą że skocznie po dwóch latach znów zostają otwarte. wie ktoś dlaczego zostały zamknięte wcześniej ?

5)   Milano   wrote on 2011-11-03 at 04:11:


Da stimme ich dir vollstens zu. Für mich ist das einfach eine dezent gehaltene Sprunganlage mit Schönheit. Leider geht die Architektur mittlerweile in eine andere Richtung.

4)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2011-11-02 at 20:55:

Dieser Artikel sagt, dass die Schanzen ab Dezember wieder sprungbereit sein sollen.

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