Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Mühlenkopf, Willingen  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Hill Size: HS 147
K-Point: 130 m
Men Longest jump: 161.5 m (Timi Zajc SLO, 2023-02-03, WC-MIX)
Men Winter Hill record: 155.5 m (Johann Andre Forfang NOR, 2024-02-03, WC)
Women Longest jump: 154.5 m (Yuki Itō JPN, 2023-02-03, WC-MIX)
Women Winter Hill record: 154.0 m (Yuki Itō JPN, 2022-01-28, WC)
Women Winter Official hill record: 151.0 m (Nika Križnar SLO, 2022-01-30, WC)
Total height: 156 m
Tower height: 25 m
Inrun length: 100 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 6.7 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 3.25 m
Speed: 93.6 km/h
Landing angle: 35°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 2000, 2013
Coordinates: 51.275506, 8.613093 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K130 (2000-...)K120 (1994-2000)K108 (1983-1994)K101 (1950-1982)K40 (1925-1940)


K-Point: 89 m
Men Winter Hill record: 93.0 m (Steinar Bråten NOR, 1987-02-06, EC)
93.0 m (Josef Heumann DDR, 1987-02-06, EC)
Year of construction: 1971
Conversions: 1984
Year of destruction: 2000
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 51.275174, 8.613467 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Spectator capacity: 38,000
Year of construction: 1925
Conversions: 1949-1950, 1964, 1983-1984, 2000
Status: operating
Ski club: SC Willingen
Coordinates: 51.275506, 8.613093 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The history of ski jumping at Willingen in Upland began with the founding of "Skiklub Brolingen-Willingen" on January 8, 1910. In the years after the club was founded, annual winter sports festivals were held on smaller ski jumping hills, amongst others at Ettelsberg, where distances up to 25 meters could be reached. In 1925 a site for a bigger hill was searched and found in the suburg of Stryck - the first Mühlenkopfschanze was constructed. It was planned by Norwegian v. Northeim, who also set the record of 35 meters during the first competition in 1926. Supervised by Erich Recknagel from Thuringia, the hill was converted in summer 1930, while the Orenbergschanze was then built in 1937.
In 1960, the year of the ski club's 50th anniversary, the inrun tower collapsed and was then finally completely deconstructed in summer 1962. Only in October 1964 a new wooden inrun tower was set up, which had been planned by Heini Klopfer and was constructed for 170.000 Marks in innovative glue band style. The inaugural competition on February 14, 1965 was attended by 25,000 spectators and also the tradition of international competitions was then continued. In 1971 the normal hill was built in order to be able to also host Nordic Combined events. Due to bad weather conditions, it could only be inaugurated with an international event in 1977. In 1978, once again German Nationals were held at Mühlenkopf and in 1982 the first Europa-Cup competiton was organized.
Already in 1978 plans for modernizing the hill profile of the large hill were made, since its FIS profile was due to expire in 1983 and it had been basically unchanged since 1950. Wolfgang Happle from Willingen, former ski jumper, hill architect and inventor of the "Happle beam", projected the plans for the K108 which were finally realized in 1983. Furthermore, both hills were equipped with new take-offs and inruns, spectator stands were built on both sides of the landing slope, as well as a warming cabin and the wooden judges tower for around 2 million D-Marks until 1985. Since 1982 Willingen had been a regular host of ski jumping Europa-Cup. Another modification of the hill profile of the large hill as K120 was done in 1994. Then, the first World Cup events were held on Mühlenkopfschanze in 1995 and 1997; since 1999 Willingen has been an annual FIS World Cup host.
In spring 2000 the almost 40 year-old wooden inrun tower of the large hill was deconstructed and the unused normal hill was completely removed. For around 10.3m DM a futuristic steel structure with glass cupola was built, as well as the "Adlerhorst" warm-up room at the hill top, new spectator stands, a funicular and functional buildings. Also the landing hill profile of Mühlenkopfschanze was enlarged, enabling flights of more than 150 meters on "the world's largest large hill". With its reopening in 2001, the hill had been reprofiled as K120 with a jury distance of 143 meters. With 151.5 meters Adam Małysz immediately crossed the 150 m mark and over 90,000 spectators came to the hill in three days. Since 2003 Mühlenkopfschanze was listed as K130 with a hill size of 145 m. From the 2020/2021 season onwards, the ski jumping hill size in Willingen was increased by 2 m to 147 m, in view of the current regulations, without enlarging the hill. The hill record is currently 155.5 metres and was set by Norwegian Johann Andre Forfang in 2024. One of the previous record holders was Janne Ahonen, but his jump at that time is controversial, because he landed in a zone that was not included in the distance measurement with video equipment, so that he was officially counted as 152 metres, although in reality the jump was much longer.
To secure Willingen as a World Cup host, FIS demanded the new-construction of the 1985 built judges tower and the installation of permanent flood-lighting by 2013. For the financing these 2.2m Euro expensive measures the campaign "Building stones for Mühlenkopfschanze" was started by SC Willingen in November 2011 and they were realized by 2013. Due to the large crowds, the competitions in Upper Sauerland are a highlight of the annual World Cup calendar.

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Hill records K130 (Men):

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27)   bernd ulott   wrote on 2020-09-08 at 12:10:


wer kennt joscha doda ski springer aus kranjska gora

26)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2015-03-28 at 16:32:


Ahonen's Sprung mag damals offensichtlich weiter als 152 Meter gewesen, sein gewertet wurde jedoch diese Weite und somit ist dies auch der Schanzenrekord.

25)   Niklas   wrote on 2015-03-28 at 15:39:

Nein Marco da muss ich leider widersprechen, auf den offiziellen Ergebnislisten der FIS stehen beide drauf:

24)   Marco   wrote on 2015-03-27 at 20:59:

Der Schanzenrekord ist definitiv bei Janne Ahonen, nicht gemeinsam beim Finnen und Juri Tepes. Der Slowene muss rausgenommen werden. Falls man mir es nicht glaubt, hier eine Quelle, die stimmt: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWGsQlRGl8M. Und die Weitenmessung muss bei 152 m nicht ausgesetzt haben, laut Übertragung von Eurosport. Bitte um Änderung!

23)   AAEahonenfan   wrote on 2014-02-06 at 17:02:


Möchte nur nochmal sagen, dass der Ahonen-Sprung '05 etwa auf 155,5 m ging und nur die Weitenmessung nur ab 152 m ausgesetzt hat. Ich finde es schade, dass das hier völlig unerwähnt bleibt.
Wird im Videovergleich ziemlich eindeutig wenn man auf die Linien schaut.

22)   marek25   wrote on 2013-02-06 at 18:00:


w 2001 roku adam małysz skoczył 151 5m i to był oficjalny rekord skoczni a w 2005 roku janne ahonen skoczył 152 metry i to jest oficjalni rekord skoczni w wilingen i teraz napewno ktoś się zbliży do rekordu janne ahonena i ktoś go ustanowi pewnie gregor schlierenzauer ale liczę na dobre skoki kamila stocha i maćka kota .

21)   mipoc   wrote on 2012-02-05 at 18:26:


Pamiętam, że w drużynówce przed indywidualnymi Adam skoczył 142m., co było rekordem skoczni.

20)   Zbal   wrote on 2011-11-28 at 10:07:


08.01.1995 roku na pewno padało więcej rekordów, ponieważ był to pierwszy konkurs PŚ w Willingen.

19)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2011-10-08 at 23:19:


Willingen 1999 Ciekawy link, zawody jeszcze na starej skoczni

18)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2011-10-08 at 23:15:


O kolejności startu w drugiej serii decydowały rezultaty z pierwszej kolejki, a nie numery startowe.

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