Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Salpausselkä, Lahti  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Salpausselän Hyppyrimäet:

Hill Size: HS 130
K-Point: 116 m
Men Winter Hill record: 138.5 m (Markus Müller AUT, 2025-03-16, COC)
Men Winter Official hill record: 138.0 m (Johann Andre Forfang NOR, 2017-03-04, WSC-T)
Men Summer Hill record: 131.0 m (Antti Aalto FIN, 2018-10-07, N-FIN)
131.0 m (Paavo Romppainen FIN, 2024-10-13)
Men Summer Official hill record: 130.0 m (Andreas Widhölzl AUT, 2002-09-06, SGP)
Women Winter Hill record: 132.0 m (Nika Prevc SLO, 2025-03-20, WC-Q)
Tower height: 73 m
Inrun length: 90 m
Inrun angle: 38.64°
Take-off length: 6.45 m
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Take-off height: 3.41 m
Speed: 92.5 km/h
Landing angle: 34.7°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Conversions: 1997, 2016
Coordinates: 60.983943, 25.627978 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K116 (1997-...)K114 (1987-1997)K113 (1972-1987)K50 (1937-1960's)

Salpausselän Hyppyrimäet:

Hill Size: HS 100
K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 103.5 m (Kamil Stoch POL, 2017-02-24, WSC)
Men Summer Hill record: 101.5 m (Niko Kytösaho FIN, 2014-08-02)
Women Winter Hill record: 99.5 m (Sara Takanashi JPN, 2016-02-19, L-WC)
99.5 m (Maren Lundby NOR, 2017-02-24, L-WSC)
Inrun length: 83.05 m
Inrun angle: 37.5°
Take-off length: 6.1 m
Take-off angle: 10.8°
Take-off height: 2.8 m
Speed: 88.2 km/h
Landing angle: 33°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Conversions: 2015
Coordinates: 60.984075, 25.628410 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K90 (2015-...)K90 (1999-2014)K90 (1987-1999)K88 (1976-1987)

Salpausselän Hyppyrimäet:

Hill Size: HS 70
K-Point: 64 m
Men Winter Hill record: 73.0 m (Kasperi Valto FIN, 2025-01-11)
Men Summer Hill record: 71.0 m (Jere Kukkonen FIN, 2023-08-13)
71.0 m (Aapo Komonen FIN, 2023-08-13)
Women Winter Hill record: 71.0 m (Minja Korhonen FIN, 2025-01-11)
Women Summer Hill record: 66.0 m (Emilia Vidgren FIN, 2022-08-07)
66.0 m (Emilia Vidgren FIN, 2022-08-07)
Inrun length: 61 m
Inrun angle: 37°
Take-off length: 5.5 m
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Take-off height: 2.1 m
Speed: 79.2 km/h
Landing angle: 34°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1977
Conversions: 2015
Coordinates: 60.984152, 25.628952 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Spectator capacity: 80,000
Year of construction: ca. 1950
Conversions: 1964, 1970-1977, 1987, 1997-1999, 2015-2016
Status: operating
Ski club: Lahden Hiihtoseura
Coordinates: 60.983943, 25.627978 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Until the 1970s, the most important ski jumping hill in Lahti, the arena of the world championships in 1926, 1938 and 1958, was located a few hundred metres from the current ski jumping hills at Salpausselkä. Only a smaller ski jump stood on the site of the new facilities in the 1950s and 1960s.
In 1970 the complete remodelling of Salpausselkä ski stadium in its current form started. The new K113 large hill with a 55 meter high inrun tower and knoll made from reinforced concrete was completed in 1972. The structure designed by Sulo Järvinen, Erik Liljeblad and Pertti Piirto had won the "concrete structure of the year" award in Finland in 1971. The old, wooden K84 hill was still used until 1976, when the new K88 normal hill right next to the large hill was completed, followed by the medium K64 hill in 1977. One year later Lahti was again hosting the WSC and East-German Matthias Buse won on the normal hill, while on the large hill Finland's Taipo Räisänen gained a surprise-victory.
With the introduction of Ski Jumping World Cup in 1979/80 Lahti has been part of the annual circus of world’s best jumpers from the beginning. For the World Championships 1989 on the Salpausselkä hill K114 and K90 had been modernized. In ten days 450,000 spectators came to Lahti ski stadium. In 1997 the large hill was slightly modified into today's shape as a plastic covered K116. Two years later also the K90 was once again modernized and in 2001 the Nordic Ski WSC took place for the sixth time in Lahti on Salpausselkä ski jumps. In 2005 the 80th Lahti Ski Games were celebrated.
Prior to the 2017 Nordic World Ski Championships all three "Salpausselän hyppyrimäet" were modernized in 2015-2016. The hill size of the normal hill was increased from 97 to 100 meters.

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Hill records K116 (Men):

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Hill records K116 (Women):

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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Hill records K90 (Women):

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Hill records K64 (Men):

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Hill records K64 (Women):

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32)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2023-03-24 at 17:40:

Klinec 126.5

New women record is Klinec 126.5 m yesterday, Just FYI... Maybe it will be beaten in the second round today... :-)

31)   Marco   wrote on 2023-03-17 at 20:31:

Schanzenrekord K116 Frauen

Es gibt zwei Rekorde auf der K116 für die Frauen: Ringo Miyajima (JPN) und Katarina Pirnovar (SLO) sprangen heute (17.03.2023) beim COC 119,0 m!

30)   Jürgen Dörner   wrote on 2021-01-08 at 13:16:


Im August 2019 war ich dort ,Von der großen Schanze hat man eine sehr schöne Aussicht auf das Umland.Die ganze Anlage dort ist auch scön gestaltet.

29)   voxaik   wrote on 2021-01-03 at 22:34:


W 1997 roku duża skocznia miała K115, a nie K114. Zwycięzca Widhoelzl po skoku na 115,5m miał notę 117,9 a biorąc pod uwagę, że dostał 5x19 za styl to wychodzi 60,9 za odległość czyli 0,5m powyżej punktu K.

28)   Emil   wrote on 2016-03-26 at 14:34:

tfu marca

27)   Emil   wrote on 2016-03-26 at 14:34:


2 grudnia 1996 r Małysz skoczył 125,5 m

26)   MTSZKNP   wrote on 2015-11-28 at 20:45:

Salpausselka K116 - K120?

Czy po remoncie jaki duża skocznia przechodzi w tym roku jej punkt K będzie wynosił 120 metrów?

25)   michal   wrote on 2014-02-18 at 18:29:

super game

try to beat me

24)   Janne   wrote on 2014-02-16 at 20:08:

hill record men k90

Niko kytösaho 102m
Finnish junior championships

23)   Artur   wrote on 2014-02-16 at 00:34:


After conversions the K90 hill has got Hill Size on 100 m.

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