Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Sepp Bradl-Skistadion, Bischofshofen  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Sepp Bradl-Skistadion

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Hill Size: HS 142
K-Point: 125 m
Men Longest jump: 150.5 m (Stefan Kraft AUT, 2022-09-02)
Men Winter Hill record: 145.0 m (Gregor Schlierenzauer AUT, 2008-01-05, WC)
Men Winter Official hill record: 145.0 m (Dawid Kubacki POL, 2019-01-06, WC)
Men Summer Hill record: 148.0 m (Klemens Murańka POL, 2021-09-12, COC)
Men Summer Official hill record: 140.5 m (Jakub Janda CZE, 2005-09-03, SGP)
Women Summer Hill record: 140.5 m (Chiara Hölzl AUT, 2020-09-27, N-AUT)
Inrun length: 118.5 m
Inrun angle: 27°
Take-off length: 6.5 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 4.5 m
Speed: 94.3 km/h
Landing angle: 35.8°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Conversions: 2003
Coordinates: 47.415065, 13.205988 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K125 (2003-...)K120 (1991-2003)K111 (1982-1991)K90 (1952-1982)K90 (1947-1952)


Hill Size: HS 78
K-Point: 65 m
Men Winter Hill record: 76.5 m (Martin Machreich AUT, 2006-02-12)
Men Summer Hill record: 77.0 m (Stefan Kraft AUT, 2011-10-23)
Women Summer Hill record: 75.0 m (Izumi Yamada JPN, 2008-08-17, L-COC)
Inrun length: 64.9 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 5.6 m
Take-off angle: 9.5°
Take-off height: 1.65 m
Speed: 78.5 km/h
Landing angle: 34°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 1956, 1991, 2001
Coordinates: 47.415322, 13.206233 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 40 m
Take-off angle: 8.5°
Landing angle: 34.5°
Plastic matting: no
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 47.415848, 13.206380 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 20 m
Men Summer Hill record: 21.0 m (Peter Wiesinger AUT, 1999-06-20)
Women Summer Hill record: 18.5 m (Christina Halla AUT, 2017-06-24)
Take-off angle: 8.5°
Landing angle: 30°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Coordinates: 47.415608, 13.207358 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 40 m
Men Winter Hill record: 45.0 m
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1927
Operating until: 1947
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 47.411024, 13.207359 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Spectator capacity: 30,000
Year of construction: 1947
Status: operating
Ski club: SC Bischofshofen
Coordinates: 47.415065, 13.205988 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Already in 1928 Wasserfallschanze in Bischofshofen was constructed beneath Bachsfall castle ruin by the Schivereinigung Bischofshofen. It allowed distances of more than 40 meters. During the period, further ski jumping hills at Astenfeld, the Moosbergschanze and the Spöckfeldschanze were set up. Wasserfallschanze was used until 1947, when Hochkoenig-Schanze was built at Laideregg. On 1947-12-26 the opening competition was held and Sepp Bradl jump a first hill record of 86 m.
In the following years different improvements like the establishment of a timber construction for the ski jump table and the porch were attached (1950). By a tragic accident when training jumping for the three-kings-competition the native ski jumper Paul Ausser­leitner hurt himself so heavily that he deceased at the consequences at 9th January 1952. Since then the ski jump at Laideregg has been carrying his name.
In 1953 the ski jump received a wooden 19.10 m high judge tower and 10 years later the described timber construction was replaced by a ground filled new porch and a ski jump table of concrete. Finally in 1972 a new judge’s tower was built out of steel-concrete, but in 2002 it was blown up and replaced by a new one.
The “hanging” outrun was a very special characteristic of the Paul-Ausser­leit­ner-Schanze, because the area was a slope through the eyes of a jumper. But with further measures the still so called natural jump was modernized. 1982 the landing angle was changed to 37° and the takeoff was shortened by 5 metres. The inrun, which had been built into the terrain before, got a wooden tower with concrete and a steeper angle of 27°.
In 1991 the outrun was changed, the complete facility adapted to FIS regularies and the K-Point changed to 120 m.
A new ski stadium with natural stands was built and named Sepp-Bradl-Stadion. Because of the Nordic World Cham­pionships 1999 the stadium retained an organization and press centre and a new lift. The Paul-Ausserleitner-Schanze indeed wrote ski history with the large hill competitions on the occasion of the Nordic Ski World Championships in Ramsau 1999, when the German ski jumpers Martin Schmitt and Sven Hannawald achieved an unexpected double success. The dramatic competition around the team world championship, in which the German team achieved the title before Japan and Austria despite two falls, especially the German spectators shifted into bright excitement.
2000 the judges tower was blown up a new one was build. Finally in 2003 the jumping hill was once again enlarged and covered with plastic mattings in order to make the K125 jump usable in summer, too.

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Hill records K125 (Men):

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Hill records K125 (Women):

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Hill records K65 (Men):

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Hill records K20 (Women):

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18)   Records in Bischofshofen   wrote on 2024-03-18 at 21:32:

Records in Bischofshofen

Hi! I just found 3 hill records set during the training in Bischofshofen (05.01.1965). Here's the list:

Dalibor Motejlek TCH 100 m
Torgeir Brandtzaeg NOR 104 m
Bjoern Wirkola NOR 110 m

I've checked the sources from 4 different countries (Norway, Jugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union), and all of them reported the same record distances. Thanks!

17)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2021-01-06 at 10:10:

@Eberhard Jurgalski

Happy new year to you too, Eberhard!
Thanks for noticing this error, we fixed it. Now the correct results are shown.

16)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2021-01-04 at 20:03:

wrong link

Just by chance I found out that the link from 6.1.1989 displays Innsbruck 04.01.1989. Mybe it is possible to correct. Happy New Year to all skijumping friends!

15)   eLman   wrote on 2019-01-06 at 15:04:

Błąd ortograficzny

W języku polskim wyraz wieża napisany jest przez "rz"...

14)   michaldadej   wrote on 2016-01-13 at 09:43:


Inofficial is 145 by Schlierenzauer

13)   snoflaxe   wrote on 2016-01-05 at 22:02:

Gangnes - 143,5 m

inoffiziell - http://medias4.fis-ski.com/pdf/2016/JP/3718/2016JP3718RLT.pdf

12)   Geoffrey   wrote on 2014-12-03 at 20:54:

079 5051 4104

No matter what is due to accomplish to shut increase your needs!
lesson discovered. The arnold is on the horizon so i have out of that exclusive in the event i choose to get to oh yeah to the few days. Hard to stop but i am eventually sense better and don't will need products and keep me conscious. Merely feel hurried or 'guilty' that we are when you work out instead of learning, we'll elevate but sometimes not do aerobic exercise or only 20mins.

So i would do wimpy exercises, skip cardio, or merely bypass entirely.

11)   dawidlodz   wrote on 2011-11-02 at 16:59:

chyba chodzi mu o teren wokół skoczni który nie był pokryty śniegiem.

10)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2011-11-02 at 16:53:


Jaką trawę?

9)   Zbal   wrote on 2011-11-02 at 08:05:

Na pierwszym zdjęciu widać, że jedna ze skoczni ma trawę. O co chodzi, skoro jest zima? (dotyczy pierwszego obrazka)

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