Latest comments:
Ski Jumps:
Pozdrawiam kibiców ze Strzyżowa
Ski Jumps:
Voss (Bavallen)
Hill record
The 120 m by Leonard Fageraas is absolutely worth mention as the longest jump. But from what I understand, it was done in the trial round. The longest jump in competition was 117.5 m by Karl Haugen Kleppa (Norway) in the Norge Cup on 9 February 2025.
Ski Jumps:
Lycksele (Korpberget)
Wrong name?
Is the name of this hill wrong? From the text here it seems that this is Korpberget, and that Himlabacken is the one at
Ski Jumps:
Lake Placid (Olympic Jumping Complex)
Schanzenrekord Frauen K115
Der gestrige Schanzenrekord der Polin wird nicht gewertet, da das Springen vorzeitig abgebrochen wurde! Der offizielle Rekord hat nun Agnes Reisch (GER) mit 130,5 m inne! Bitte um Änderung!
Ski Jumps:
@Franz HUBER
Lieber Franz,
vielen Dank für Deine Nachricht!
Wir haben deine Kontaktdaten wie gewünscht geändert.
Beste Grüße in die Veitsch
Das Team vom Skisprungschanzen-Archiv
Ski Jumps:
Werte Freunde,
das Arbeitsbuch für diese Schanze, plus Ergebnisse hab ich in meinem Archiv.
Wäre TOP, wenn meine "ehemalige" Mail-Adresse auf meine geändert werden könnte, da ich nach 18 Jahren den Job als Obamnn abgegeben habe und wiese Webseite nicht mehr Existiert.
Einstweilen LG aus der Veitsch
Ski Jumps:
Odpowiedź do Wojtka
Choć nie jestem z Miłomłyna, to możemy się skontaktować bo jak widać z Miłomłynem nie ma kontaktu, a w tym roku nie było możliwości skakać przez pogodę, to ja z Olsztyna więc jeżeli byłaby pogoda to sam bym ją chętnie przygotował.
Ski Jumps:
Stockholm (Stadshagen)
Siema! Znalazlem na Facebook fajne zdiejce tej skoczni z czasow kiedy sie tam jescze skakalo.
Ski Jumps:
Otepää (Apteekrimägi)
how do i jump from there in thr summer if there is no mats retard
Ski Jumps:
Otepää (Apteekrimägi)
Metsakas(k18) is still operating. Raimo makes it good
Ski Jumps:
Es gab die Schanze!
Wir sind als Kinder und Jugendlich in diesem Gebiet um den Jenaer Fordt oft rumgestromert. Ich habe keinerlei Ambitionen in Richtung Schiesport, aber ich weiß, daß es die Schanze gab. Ich habe sie damals, vor etwa 50 Jahren, mit eigenen Augen gestehen. Es war eine Holzkonstrucktion, kann ich mich erinnern.
Viele Grüße
Ski Jumps:
Oslo (Venner)
Date for hill record
Date for Torbjørn Ruste's hill record: 5 February 1956.
Ski Jumps:
Ski (Ellingsrudåsen)
More nitpicking
The title says it all - I hope you don't mind. The place name should be Ellingsrudåsen with an å.
Ski Jumps:
Bischofsgrün (Ochsenkopf-Schanzenarena)
Neuer Schanzenrekord Hs71
Neuer Winter Schanzenrekord auf der hs 71 durch Emil Vogel, SG Nickelhütte Aue mit 68m (erstes Winter springen seit über 30 Jahren)
Ski Jumps:
Orkland (Meldal)
Maybe nitpicking, sorry. But when Helena Olsson jumped 100.5 m in 2001, she was still a Swedish citizen, and I believe she hadn't yet married and taken the name Smeby.
Ski Jumps:
Nesbyen (Arnegård)
Mniejsza skocznia
Klub narciarski w 2024 organizował zawody gdzie z opisu na facebooku można wyczytać że obok jest mniejsza skocznia.
Ski Jumps:
Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Olympiaschanze)
Im Namen der slowenischen Springbegeisterten im Damenwettbewerb sind wir sehr beleidigt über die Einstellung Ihrer Organisation zu Spitzenleistungen, die mit den Ergebnissen im Herrenwettbewerb vergleichbar sind. Ganz Slowenien ist empört und diskutiert über den Preis, den die Springer in der Qualifikation gewonnen haben. die Dame, die die Toilette putzte, oder der Herr, der Bier verkaufte, verdienten mehr. Kommen Sie nach Slowenien, Polen oder in ein anderes ärmeres Land und lassen Sie sich beraten, wie Sie Sponsoren für einen Top-Wettbewerb finden. In Slowenien schenken wir den Gästen in jedem besseren Hotel Handtücher und Shampoo als Souvenir.
Grüße aus der Steiermark
Ski Jumps:
Siljan (Sønntvet)
Date for hill record
Thoralf Sundbø set his hill record on the K66 hill on 8 March 1987.
Ski Jumps:
Nun nach dem alles abgeholzt ist, kann man das Gerüst sehr gut sehen, neue Farbe und neu Blanken und dann kann am Wächterbau "vorbeigeflogen" werden. @2025
Ski Jumps:
Villach (Alpen Arena)
Neuer Schanzenrekord bei den Damen
Heute in der Weltcup-Quali 102,0 m durch Nika Prevc.
Ski Jumps:
Cześć, pytanie czy w tym roku również będziecie skakać? Chciałbym zrobić materiał na temat tej skoczni. Pozdrawiam!
Ski Jumps:
Nachfolger Dr. Hänichen
Die Ski Werkstatt wurde durch die Familie Heymann übernommen und bis ca.1980 betrieben.
Ski Jumps:
Imatra (Mellonmäki)
little info
The hills were officially banned to use in december 2023. May technically add to history this and that they were destroyed in october-november
Ski Jumps:
Bodø (Arlia)
Hill record
Hill record: 88 m, Kenneth Bråthen (Norway), 16 January 1993. (The extra half metre seems to be an error.)
Ski Jumps:
Sande (Stokke)
Hill record
Hill record (K54): 58 m, Torbjørn Yggeseth (Norway), 9 February 1969.
Ski Jumps:
Harstad (Kveldteigen)
Longest jump
Longest jump (K73): 83.5 m, Halvor Egner Granerud (Norway), 3 March 2012 (fall, trial round).
Ski Jumps:
Hill record
Hill record: 70 m, Ole Christen Enger (Norway), 26 March 1995.
Ski Jumps:
Korrektur und Ergänzungen
Zur Halsbachschanze stelle ich mal zwei Fotos von einem Wettbewerb in der frühen 1960ern zur Verfügung. Die Fotos hier mit Gebäuden im Hintergrund beziehen sich nicht auf die Halsbachschanze, sondern auf Anlagen, die in den 1950ern in Halden der SDAG Wismut verschwunden sein müssen ("Weißer Hirsch", 235), unterhalb des Rothenbergweges zwischen Antonsthal/Antonshöhe und Crandorf.
Ski Jumps:
Fauske (Valnesfjord)
Size and smaller hills
According to a newspaper article from 1989 (Nordlands Framtid 31 October 1989), that year the biggest hill had been extended from K44 to K47. There were also two smaller hills that had been extended from K24 to ca. K30 and from K12 to K15.
Ski Jumps:
there was also a K15 built in 1930s location was probably here, also the tower served as an Air control tower during the WW2. this cca coordinates that were around here placed in a book, i doubt i have it 100% exact on milimetres 60.869947, 28.295346. Better to put it as unofficial since i cant see it on older maps.
Ski Jumps:
Additional info
record is right. Destroyed in 1960s, built in 1949 and the hill was a K37. Expect more to come in Southeastern Finland :) This is just a small preview :)
Ski Jumps:
Vik i Sogn (Hovsåsen)
Hill record
Hill record (K54): 56.5 m, Nils Olav Kongsvik (Norway), 8 January 1994.
Ski Jumps:
Hill record
Hill record (K54): 54.5 m, Frank Heggernes (Norway), 9 March 1985.
Ski Jumps:
Mo i Rana (Båsmoen)
Hill record
Hill record (K60): 64.5 m, Stig Hommefoss (Norway), 25 March 2000.
Ski Jumps:
Tromsø (Grønnåsen hoppsenter)
Longest jump (K70)
Longest standing jump for men in the K70 hill (in training): 83 m, Karstein Karlsen (Norway), 4 April 2008.
Ski Jumps:
Czy planujecie przygotować skocznię w tym sezonie? Czy jest e-mail na który można się skontaktować?
Ski Jumps:
Madison (Muir Knoll)
Stewart Lake park ski jump
There is a sign board at the park with a couple photos of the ski jump. It says that in 1920 it was dismantled and moved to the UW campus. This doesn't jibe with the Muir Knoll jump, and I haven't been able to find any other sources that mention it. Does anyone know anything about this?
Ski Jumps:
Stjørdal (Bjørkbakken)
Women's hill record
I doubt that it's still the women's hill record, but Anita Wold (Norway) jumped 57 m on 17 March 1971.
Ski Jumps:
Le Locle (de la Combe-Girard)
Hill record
A hill record, but possibly not the last one: 85 m, Robert Mösching (Switzerland), 30 January 1977 in the Swiss 4 hills tournament.
Ski Jumps:
Hill record
50 m, Lars Grini (Norway), 7 January 1973.
Ski Jumps:
Hill records
Hill records in the K65 hill, possibly beaten since then (?): Men's record: 73.5 m, Terje Morka (Norway), 17 February 2001. Women's record: 74 m, Henriette Smeby (Norway) on that same day. Both were done in the national Recruit Cup.
In the K90 hill Gudmund Storlien (Norway) set a hill record of 105.5 m on 12 March 2006 in a district championship competition.
Ski Jumps:
Lillehammer (Balbergskaret)
Date and women's hill record
Tom Levorstad did his 130.5 m jump on 24 January 1981 in a Norwegian Cup competition. Merete Kristiansen (Norway) jumped 112 m in training on 8 January 1988. If we count jumps not in competition as records for women in those early days, it was a new world record for women.
Ski Jumps:
Oslo (Rannkollen)
Hill records
A newspaper in 1972 mentions that the K-point in Lille Rankollen was 26 m and the hill record was 32 m by Per Bjørnstad (Norway), no date given for that jump. Maybe the K-point was 30 m once, I can't say that that is incorrect. In the bigger hill Roy Andersen (Norway) set a hill record of 60 m on 17 February 1940.
I have seen several different spellings for the name of this hill, both Rannkollen, Randkollen and Rankollen.
Ski Jumps:
Odnes (Odnes Ski Senter)
Hill record K80
On 15 January 1995 both Tor A. Fjellvikås (Norway) and Frode Hagen (Norway) jumped 83.5 m and set a new hill record in the K80 hill.
Ski Jumps:
Hill record
An early hill record in the K35 hill: 32 m, Stein Kjetil Svendsen (Norway), 10 January 1971.
Ski Jumps:
Isfjorden (Furulia)
Hill records
On 18 April 1970 Nils Petter Skarseth (Norway) set a new hill record for men of 67.5 m. That same day Anita Wold (Norway) set a women's record of 49.5 m.
Ski Jumps:
Fåberg (Husebakken)
Hill record
Hill record: 44 m, Halvard Lishagen (Norway), 7 February 1926. Reidar Ødegaard (Norway) also jumped 44 m that day, but he fell.
Ski Jumps:
Hill record
Hill record: 52.5 m, Johs. Vik Strandli (Norway), 1947.
Ski Jumps:
Færvik (Lensåsen)
Date for hill record
Toralf Taraldsen's hill record was set on 3 March 1929.
Ski Jumps:
Gjerstad (Grytting)
K25 and year of con
this hill is 100% K25 and built in 1969. I have a source i think i sent it to your email but when i send a message to you, it shows me some postmaster email that it wasnt delivered. Please check your email on some Finland on Nordland amed emails i sent to you if you really didnt get them. (from today)
Ski Jumps:
Odnes (Odnes Ski Senter)
Women's hill record
Merete Kristiansen's 111 m in 1989 was actually a fall and thus not a record, but still probably the longest jump ever by a woman in this hill. On 19 January 2002 Anette Sagen (Norway) had a standing jump of 106.5 m.
Ski Jumps:
Maribor (Pekrska Gorca)
Hill record / longest jump
I don't think 81 m by Lars Grini in 1981 can be correct - he had ended his ski jumping career by then. In a cancelled round in the Dreiländertournee on 8 January 1981 Ole Erik Tvedt (Norway) jumped 78 m.
Ski Jumps:
Fåvang (Krekke)
Hill record
Ulf Harald Stensvold (Norway) set a hill record of 84 m in the K80 hill on 7 February 1988. But already on 26 November 1973 Øyvind Søgård (Norway) had jumped the same length in training.
Ski Jumps:
Orkland (Meldal)
Women's hill record
In the Norwegian Cup competition on 20 January 2001 Helena Olsson (Sweden) set a women's' hill record of 100.5 m. (I'm not sure if it's te final hill record for women in this hill.)
Ski Jumps:
Ørskog (Løklibakken)
Date for hill record
The hill record and longest jump (90.5 m and 93 m, fall) were done on 24 March 1968.
Ski Jumps:
Bø (Bøgard)
Nordland county
Sorry if you feel I am nitpicking, but this place is in Nordland county, not Troms. By the way, there are many places in Norway that have the name Bø, so that can seem a little confusing. I believe the name Bøgard was only created for the post office here when it was opened in 1942, to avoid confusion with other Bø's, and it hasn't been used anymore since the post office was closed down in 1997. But maybe the Bøgard name was used for the ski jumping hill, too - I don't know.
Ski Jumps:
Skurdalen (Hovde)
@Karl Laurits Olsen
Thank you and we appreciate your knowledge and updates. Don't hesitate to send more data in the future.
Ski Jumps:
Voss (Bavallen)
Small correction of date
The date for Bjørn Wirkola's 104.5 m jump in the K90 hill was 9 April 1967, not 4 April.
Ski Jumps:
Kristiansand (Storheia)
Hill record
Hill record (men): 78.5 m, Torfinn Iveland (Norway), 19 February 1978. Longest jump: 80 m (fall), Jørn Hansen (Norway), 18 February 1979.
Hill record (women): 38.5 m, Mary Rønningen (Norway), 24 March 1946.
Ski Jumps:
I forgot source,
Ski Jumps:
More info and another record
The hill Store Kjurs K30 also with Lille KjursK15 i didnt probably notice while i found the hill.
Built 1947,Operating until ca.1965
Record K30 Magnus Kimestad but 32m probably
Ski Jumps:
Falun (Källviken)
Longest jump
In addition to Toralf Engan's hill record: Longest jump (standing): 84 m, Helmut Recknagel (East Germany), 10 February 1961 (in training). Longest jump (fall): 84,5 m, Evert Karlsson (Sweden), 15 February 1948.
Ski Jumps:
Vennesla (Bjortjønn)
Hill record
I haven't found a hill record for men in this hill yet, but there is a women's record: 25 m (twice), Tomine Flåt (Norway), 17 March 1935.
Ski Jumps:
Hill record
Hill record (men): 30 m, Magnus Kimestad (Norway), 1951.
Ski Jumps:
The hill was rebuilt and back in use, i think HS19, check their youtube im not sure also maybe location is different little
Ski Jumps:
Hill records
Men's hill record (not sure if it's the last one): 52.5 m, Kolbjørn Skjæveland (Norway), 23 March 1952. Women's hill record: 24 m, Inger Jørgensen (Norway), 2 April 1933.
Ski Jumps:
Svolvær (Premiebakken)
Date for hill record
Bjørn Wirkola set his hill record on 24 March 1963.
Ski Jumps:
Skurdalen (Hovde)
Place name
Hi. I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but the place name Soere can't be correct - certainly not the spelling of it. I'm not local in this area, but from looking at the map it doesn't make sense to me. Did you mean Sæte? I'll suggest using the name Skurdalen (Hovde) for this one and Skurdalen (Fagerli) for the hill currently at
Ski Jumps:
Loučná pod Klínovcem
Hallo Willy Dick ist mein Vater,bin immer noch sehr stolz. .Bin 70 Jahre alt und Willy war 58 Jahre alt als ich zur Welt Kam.... also auch sehr sportlich!
Ski Jumps:
Elverum (Nefsåsberget)
24 listopada 2024
Do skoczni już bardzo trudno się dostać. Skocznia zarasta drzewami i niszczeje.
Ski Jumps:
Bielsko-Biała (Bystra)
Czemu skocznie tak niszczeją
Jeszcze rok temu były użytkowane, czemu je tak zaniedbano?
Ski Jumps:
Ski Jumps:
Liberec (Ještěd)
mystery solved
the biggest mystery in Czech ski jumping hills is solved, The Ještěd D ski jump was located in place where now the chairlift is located. Source is a former skijumper who asked some people
Ski Jumps:
Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Olympiaschanze)
Jule vorher
Juliane Seyfarth davor eingestellt 132.5
Ski Jumps:
Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Olympiaschanze)
13.10.2024 135.5 m new record.
Ski Jumps:
Gaylord (Snow Valley)
8000 hills
the archive is just 2 hills away so some celebration :D happy to have some of my findings in here, mainly Wola Hankowska
Ski Jumps:
Gaylord (Snow Valley)
this hill is in most beautiful city name
Ski Jumps:
Nové Město na Moravě (Na Šibenici)
The hill is now finished, it will host copmetitons this weekend along the K28 and K53, but its not K15 its K9. I hope i get some photos of it in neartime. here is whole program if someone wants to see
Ski Jumps:
Kitzbühel (Schattberg)
Maybe you could send the results?
Ski Jumps:
Kitzbühel (Schattberg)
neuer schanzenrekord!!!
heuer im frühjahr wurde auf der k38 ein neuer schanzenrekord gesprungen!!
bitte aktuallisieren!!
Ski Jumps:
Wola Hankowska
Finally best hill has been added
Ski Jumps:
Nozawa Onsen
K55 was used this winter for competitions, rest is out of order
Ski Jumps:
Out of order
Theye hills are out of order, K40 is devastated the inrun wood is rotten and needs to be repaired. And homoligation expiried and wont get new till renovation. Also they used K25 but there also expired homoligation and probably wont jump this year and maybe next summer but no one cares and interests about the hills in the club mostly
Ski Jumps:
Bærum (Skui)
Hill records
Pål Hansen's hill record of 122 m was set on 13 March 1996. But on that same windy day there were several other long jumps. First, Jon Petter Sandaker (Norway) fell on 127 m in the trial round. Then he stood at 122 m in the first round, but that round was cancelled with just four jumpers left after Jostein Smeby (Norway) had fallen at 127.5 m. Pål Hansen set his record in the second round.
For a women's record, Anita Wold (Norway) jumped 73 m on 1 April 1973. Merete Kristiansen (Norway) jumped 100 m in competition on 17 March 1985. But she had already jumped 102 m in training before that competition. When I checked now I couldn't find the source I had seen that said it was the day before. One other source says that training jump was on 11 March, but 16 March seems more likely.
Ski Jumps:
Stockholm (Fiskartorpet)
Hill record
I don't know if it was the final hill record, but on 3 March 1948 Ivar Nilsen (Norway) set a record of 46 m.
Ski Jumps:
Porsgrunn (Lidbakken)
Date for hill record
Arthur Johnsen's hill record of 61 m was set on 8 March 1936.
Ski Jumps:
Kongsvinger (Gullbekkbakken)
Date for hill record
Arne Dalslåen's hill record of 75 m was set on 5 February 1961.
Ski Jumps:
Oslo (Ullern)
Hill record
Thorleif Schjelderup (Norway) set a hill record of 57 m in a competition on 16 March 1946.
On 8 February 1931 sisters Nora and Tordis Strømstad (Norway) jumped 30 and 24 m. (Exhibition jumps opening the competition.)
Ski Jumps:
@Karl Laurits Olsen
Thanks for the corrections and feel free to write about the update :)
Ski Jumps:
Molde (Moldeheia)
Hill record
Bjørn Wirkola's hill record of 66 m was set on 15 April 1962. In a trial jump (trial round?) on that same day he stood at 70 m.
Ski Jumps:
Date for hill record
Torbjørn Falkanger set his hill record of 63 m on 20 March 1949.
Ski Jumps:
Sorry to be nitpicking, but Jevnaker is spelt with a v, not a w. Thanks for all the good work you do.
Ski Jumps:
Bear Mountain
HI! folks, My dad use to jump at Bear Mt. back in the 50's. They built a practice jump in West Harrison just of of Park Ave. in Silver Lake. Anyone remember this?
Ski Jumps:
Ironwood (Copper Peak)
Umbau finanziert
Ski Jumps:
Skisprungschanze Rasberg
Wir waren noch Kindergartenkinder, da haben wir meines erachtens
Die letzten Springen erlebt. Vor 1960. Danach sind wir selbst am Hang gesprungen. Springski hatten wir aus der Rasberger Skiaudleihstation.Weise auf eine Broschüre hin. 50 Jahre Motor Zeitz, in der der Wintersportsektion einige Seiten gewidmet worden. Ich war der letzte Verwalter der Skiausleihstition. Hatte die Station nach dem Tod unseres Trainers Kurt Griebach übernommen. Die Ski sind heute noch in Rasberg vorhanden und lagern immer noch dort seit ca. 40 JAHREN. Ihr könnt mich anschreiben.
Ski Jumps:
Kitzbühel (Schattberg)
neuer schanzenrekord
heuer im frühjahr wurde auf der k38 ein neuer schanzenrekord gesprungen!!
bitte aktuallisieren!!
Ski Jumps:
Villach (Alpen Arena)
Men k90
The inofficial rekord of the k90 of men is 107 meters from Stefan Kraft
Ski Jumps:
Sault Ste. Marie
Another video
Posted by someone else that I've just discovered, about two months earlier:
Ski Jumps:
Sault Ste. Marie
Video of ski jumping
I've posted a video of some old 1960s-1970s footage captured by my great-grandfather, including some ski jumpers at this location:
Ski Jumps:
General Manager
Good afternoon, we are in the process of putting together a history of skiing in Saskatoon. I would love to use the pictures from your site but I cannot save them without the link. Could you email me any pictures from Devil's Dip, Varisty Site, Blackstrap that we may use. Thank you
Ski Jumps:
Re (Våle)
Plastic mattings
The K44 hill had plastic mattings installed in 1982, but a fire destroyed them in April 1989. (Source: An article in newspaper Tønsberg Blad on 29 April 1989.)
Ski Jumps:
Hamar (Lierberget)
Displaying the data/entries for the old hills
I see that you have changed this one a little bit. I finally managed to find the data for the old K84 hill by clicking on the K84 (1972-2012) link, but that isn't very intuitive, and I think most readers will not be able to find it. I hope you can rearrange it so that the data for all the Lierberget hills will be visible on the page.
I also think it might be a good idea to make a separate entry for the Gjørsliberget hill, even though it seems to have been on the same spot as the later Lierberget hills. That will make it easier to find Gjørsliberget without searching via Google.
Ski Jumps:
Liberec (Slavia)
potentional records
went from 1997 to 2009 through every competition so it might be the record
K20: 12.9.2009 Ondrej Krpec 19m during Skicomp cup.
K31: Frantisek Vaculik 30.7.1997 during summer pupil competiton. Also by competitions looks like last used in 2009. reports are there from 1997 so i dont have any before.
Ski Jumps:
Pekkala (Satu Saaris Hill)
fake Ruczynow
fake Ruczynow and hill of Wiktor Pekala. Maybe inspiration?
Ski Jumps:
Drammen (Gjerpenkollen)
Hill records K74
Hill record on snow for men (K74): 82.5 m by Kristian Kind Olsen (Norway) on 22 March 2003. Longest standing jump on snow: 84 m by Odd Vegar Knive (Norway) on 28 January 1997 (trial round).
Ski Jumps:
Glenbrook (White Hills)
Record jump
Max Straubhaar (USA) jumped 147 feet (44.8 m) here on 21 April 1952.
Ski Jumps:
Hol (Hovet Skole)
Hill record on regular jump skis around 23 m probably by Nils Harald Bratåker around 1970.
Unofficial hill record on jetski/miniski 18 m by Kjell Dalen around 1970.
Ski Jumps:
Hafslo (Sogn Ski Center)
Nice finding
Nice to see new small hills getting added. Always nice to see as in my country for some time new small facilities arent a thing..
Ski Jumps:
Sad visit
This visit wasnt exciting as a skijumping fan.. But nice as a hillwalker to explore this hill and see how does it look since 2017. I really hope the hill will have the renovation and jumping will again be there because the location looks really nice. I guess last jumps were in 2017 also back then the hill by photos i had some thinkings if it would still be in use it didnt look that good for me. Anyways next hills are in France-Lorraine and Markstein, maybe Zurich. Nice to see my photos here and hope next will be from new hill.
Ski Jumps:
Liberec (Slavia)
Fire on hills
The hills were on fire
Ski Jumps:
Schmitten (Niederreifenberg im Taunus)
Mieter des Areals
Inzwischen hat der Mieter gewechselt. Der Hundeverein ist weg. Ein Schäfer hat die Fläche gemietet.
Ski Jumps:
Lahti (Karpalosuo)
I am traveling to Lahti with my boyfriend in August. It has always been on his bucket list, to do some ski jumping. He is a very good skiier and we live in a skiing area, so this is not new to him. But ski jumping is something else. I was wondering, if there is a possibility, that he could do a qucik course on ski jumping and try it on the small hill? Or if you know of any possibility besides these jumping hills?
Thank you very much and have a nice day.
Best regards,
Ski Jumps:
Schmitten (Niederreifenberg im Taunus)
Skisprungschanze am Goßen Feldberg (Taunus)
In der Chronik des Hessischen Skiverbandes (von 1987) ist zu lesen: Am 19.3.1911 wurde die Sprungschanze am Nordhang des großen Feldbergs eingeweiht. Sprünge bis 28m waren möglich. Nach dem Umbau im Jahr 1934 waren Sprünge bis 34 Meter möglich.
Kommentar Axel Becker: Die Schane wurde 1957 aufgegeben. Zum Ausgleich wurde dann die Weilsbergschanze in Niederreifenberg gebaut.
Ski Jumps:
California Ski Library
Hello. Your information here is a little off. The photo you show is the Wrightwood jump, but you are combining information about this jump with information about the Big Pines jump. The Wrightwood jump was not a stronghold of ski jumping. A few club jumping meets were held there. The Big Pines jump was a stronghold. Only Big Pines was considered as a possibility for the 1932 Olympics, since the Summer Olympics were being hosted in Los Angeles. The Big Pines Ski Jump was located at Blue Ridge/Mountain High West. It was the big hill; the jump at Wrightwood was smaller. You should have two separate pages for these jumps: Wrightwood and Big Pines.
Ski Jumps:
Nice hills
Its nice to see the new added hills grow as reconstruction and mattings according to story of Copper Peaker (Artur Bala) i hope i will make a visit here someday and other hills close to Drtija
Ski Jumps:
Akureyri (Hlíðarfjall)
Update list of records (259 m and 282 m)
In 2nd attemp he jumped 259 m
In 3rd attemp he jumped 282 m
Ski Jumps:
Akureyri (Hlíðarfjall)
ski club: red bull
balls of steel
Ski Jumps:
Stockholm (Hammarby)
Hill record
63,5 meters by Björn Holm in 1959
Ski Jumps:
Sandefjord (Vesterøya)
Hello, is there someone from around the hills that knows if they have matting? On some photos it looked like some white carpet is on the hills and they have a small track from wood and probably nets. Im curious but i guess we will see and i will wait for the gallery from november, once it drops i will probably know the answer
Ski Jumps:
Jablonec nad Nisou (Na Střelnici)
Away day
imagine i go on an away day and visit a hill just behind the actual stadium! Its interesting that you dont go just for football, but for ski jumping hills :D
Ski Jumps:
Planica (Nordic Center)
Schanzenrekord Eva Pinkelnig
Thank you very much, I have just entered it.
Sorry for the delay.
Ski Jumps:
Planica (Nordic Center)
New women's HR at HS102 by Eva Pinkelnig (103.5 m)
Eva Pinkelnig set the new female's hill record at 103.5 meters on 21 March 2024 on Srednja skakalnica HS102
Please update it!
Ski Jumps:
Planica (Nordic Center)
In 21.03.2024 Eva Pinkelnig established a new hill record on the HS102 Normal Hill (Srednja skakalnica) from Planica, with a jump of 103.5 m in the final individual competition of the World Cup Women 2023-2024 Edition !
Ski Jumps:
Lillehammer (Lysgård)
A bit mixed
Forfang won the male competition and the female Kvandal, Johannson was disqualified. Please correct. :-)
Ski Jumps:
Zakopane (Wielka Krokiew)
Records on Wielka Krokiew
Hi! Norwegian newspapers claim that Bjoern Wirkola jumped 112 m on Wielka Krokiew hill during the training round on 20.03.1964. They also claim that he jumped 105 m during the same trial round, and also Christoffer Selbekk jumped 104 and 106 m, but no one knows who was jumping first. Thanks!
Ski Jumps:
Bischofshofen (Sepp Bradl-Skistadion)
Records in Bischofshofen
Hi! I just found 3 hill records set during the training in Bischofshofen (05.01.1965). Here's the list:
Dalibor Motejlek TCH 100 m
Torgeir Brandtzaeg NOR 104 m
Bjoern Wirkola NOR 110 m
I've checked the sources from 4 different countries (Norway, Jugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union), and all of them reported the same record distances. Thanks!
Ski Jumps:
Vikersund (Skiflygingsbakke)
Silje Opseth
Bitte tragt doch den neuen WR von Silje ein, ja? :-)
Ski Jumps:
Kongsberg (Hannibalbakken)
Heute gab es Testsprünge, morgen einen Wettkampf
Ski Jumps:
Iron Mountain (Pine Mountain)
Neuer weitester Sprung
165,0 m eines namentlich unbekannten Vorspringers Quelle:
Ski Jumps:
Brotterode (Inselbergschanze)
Schanzenrekord Damen
Der Schanzenrekord auf der K105 wurde gestern (18.02.) egaliseiert! Tina Erzar (SLO) sprang im Rahmen des COC 118,0 m! Bitte um Änderung!
Ski Jumps:
Brotterode (Inselbergschanze)
Tina Erzar tied the Women hill record today 118m
Ski Jumps:
Jyväskylä (Laajavuori)
K25 is back in use as i saw on youtube video from it in this winter. (leomakela354 channel a short from the hill)
and lastly sorry about the mistake in Eilenburg Rodewisch it wont happen again.
Ski Jumps:
Erzurum (Kiremitlik Tabyası)
Korrekte Form
Hallo, du (Oliver) hast lange nichts von mir gehört, trotzdem besuche ich oft die Seite... Mittlerweile habe ich (im Oktober letztes Jahres) angefangen, Türkisch zu lernen, und ich glaube, dass der Name dieser Schanze falsch ist. "Kayakla atlama" bedeutet einfach "Skispringen" (kayakla atlamacı - Skispringer/-in), "Sprungschanze" heißt "kayakla atlama kulesi" (Plural - "kayakla atlama kuleleri", was eigentlich auch in Beschreibung der neuen TürkTelekom-Schanzen zu sehen ist).
Ski Jumps:
Das waren Zeiten
Ende der 70ziger Jahre haben mein Bruder Harald und Ich die Skispringer betreut, unser Bruder Richard, Martin Buttazoni und noch einige waren dabei. Es war eint schöne und sehr bereichernde Zeit weil wir sehr viel nette Menschen aus der kärntjer Skisprunszen kennenlernen durften. Ein Name bleb mir in Erinnerung, Hugo Schwarz aus Velden war unseren Springern immer behilflich und hat bei den Springen die wir besucht haben immer Tips gegeben. Es ist sehr schade das das alles vorbei ist. Ich lebe jetzt in Füssen und die hatten auch eine tolle Naturschanze wie die in Feldkirchen. Ich denke oft an diese Zeit zurück!
Grüße in meine wunderschöne Heimat
Kurt Krampl
Ski Jumps:
nice to see some progress is going on here because in september there werent boards and with them the K12 looks more fresh. Also on the K24 looks like boards are getting added maybe being modernized as being written in the history section but who knows nothing 100%.
Ski Jumps:
Åmot (Melum)
dette er en fantastisk nettside veldig gornøyd med kunderservicen og alt er bra!
Ski Jumps:
Drammen (Gjerpenkollen)
hill record 35
casper, i have it now. hahha
Ski Jumps:
Liberec (Slavia)
The hill record should be 29m jumped on 21.7.1991 but idk who jumped it
Ski Jumps:
Nové Město na Moravě (Na Šibenici)
K15 is under construction not operating since some boards were built in meantime with yours and my visit and isnt really usable right now
Ski Jumps:
Rena (Renabakkene)
Rena - Lillehammer
Der Link geht richtig nach Lillehammer, Rena ist hier und auf der Homepage falsch....
Ski Jumps:
Lam (Stierberg)
Předpokládám, že tuhle stránku spravují lidi ve svém volném čase a asi nebudou mít úplně čas odpovídat a opravovat všechny vaše připomínky. Je skvělé kolik chyb a užitečných informací jste schopen najít a opravit, ale nemůžete čekat, že na ně někdo přímo čeká a hned je opravuje :) Přeji pěkný den :)
Ski Jumps:
Lam (Stierberg)
Take email
Also how long does it take to respond to email because in some you respond in like 3-7 days and im waiting for one email a month maybe more (first send on 5.11. Then 27.12 i think and sent new one about week ago)
Ski Jumps:
An die Autoren: vielleicht bestätogt dieser Link: dass es nicht die einzige Schanze in Marokko war.
Ski Jumps:
In Kurtici und Sarajevo gibt es auch (temporäre?) Sprungschanzen, für Infos am besten "ski skokovi kurtici" oder "ski skokovi igman 2015" googlen.
Ski Jumps:
Verfall der Schanzen
Als ehemaliger (Jugend)Skispringer der SZK-Eberbach tut es mir wirklich im Herzen weh die Bilder der Schanzenanlage zu sehen. Viele schöne Erinnerungen. Schade, dass es wohl nicht mehr möglich ist am Katzenbuckel zu springen. Gibt es denn vielleicht genauere Informationen, weshalb es vor Ort keine Aktivitäten mehr gibt?
Ski Jumps:
Die Ternickelschanze wurde bis in die 1980er Jahre genutzt. Sie wurde von Freitaler und Pesterwitzer Jugendlichen in Eigenregie zum Springen hergerichtet. Ich selbst bin dort 13 Meter weit gesprungen. Der Schanzenrekord lag meines Wissens nach bei 26 Metern.
Ski Jumps:
Bad Berleburg
Ich dachte, die Bärenschanze war hinten im Burgfeld?
Wo ist den zwischen dem kleinen und großen Höllscheid ein steiler Hang der für eine Schanze gut war.Ist für mich als gebürtiger Berleburger hoch interessant!Wäre Dankbar für Infos.Oben am Laibach war auch noch eine Schanze und in Neuastenberg.Von der Kohlwalldschanze habe ich als Kind und Jugendlicher nie etwas gehört.
Ski Jumps:
Anchorage (Hilltop Ski Area)
The goat
Tate Frantz took a fat beater that jump. We got the receipts.
Ski Jumps:
Szczyrk (Skalite)
Nousiainen teraz rekordistou ale Camhreger co jest za loterii
Ski Jumps:
Wisła (Malinka)
This year Wisła looks exactly like Rukatunturi ;)
Ski Jumps:
Feldberg (Feldseewald)
My Great-Grandfather
My Great-Grandfather is Auguste Bischof
Ski Jumps:
Lam (Stierberg)
no problem i will send it to email all from now on
Ski Jumps:
Lam (Stierberg)
@Kryštof Adámek
It would be better if you collect such updates and send them to us via email so as not to spam here.
Ski Jumps:
@Kryštof Adámek
If you don't see the history, it means there is no translation for all languages.
Ski Jumps:
nice hill
nice hill will there be a gallery from sepmetmber from your visit in finland since there already ones from october?
Ski Jumps:
So the K30 if its operating then remove the operating until
Ski Jumps:
Smaller hills
Photo 5 there are some hills with matting i think it could be the destroyed two 30 and 20 but i dont know it
Ski Jumps:
why these ski jumps have history when there isnt?
Ski Jumps:
Nozawa Onsen
street view
from street view the hills dont look the best you can check and decide if opreating or out of order but for me out of order
Ski Jumps:
Oben beschriebene Schanze hatte noch eine Nachfolgerin an gleicher Stelle.
Es war eine richtige Schanze mit Turm in Holzkonstruktion, die bis in die 1960er Jahre stand und auch für Wettkämpfe genutzt wurde.
Ski Jumps:
Füssen (Bad Faulenbach)
K51 destroyed
the K51 is pretty much destroyed since the boards and the hill wood is removed and the inrun wood too (source Tiktok video TSV Buchenberg video from the smaller hill 28-09-2023) and the takeoff is the only left
Ski Jumps:
Villach (Alpen Arena)
Loutitt 2023
Die FIS gibt immer noch die 97.5 m von Ale als Rekord an, obwohl der sicher gestürzt war. Korrigieren die ihre Fehler nicht?
Ski Jumps:
Saalfelden (Felix-Gottwald-Schisprungstadion Uttenhofen)
K85 is getting reactivated and will have matting so conversions 2024 and soon matting
Ski Jumps:
Schanze Frauenwald
Frauenwald als östlich von Suhl zu verorten ist etwas gewagt.
Frauenwald gehörte zum Kreis Ilmenau und ist heute sogar Ortsteil dieser Stadt.
Ski Jumps:
Ⓜ️Twoja skocznia
doesnt look really destroyed
Ski Jumps:
Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Olympiaschanze)
Danke, Sascha!
Ski Jumps:
Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Olympiaschanze)
@Eberhard Jurgalski
Ski Jumps:
Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Olympiaschanze)
@Eberhard Jurgalski
Hallo Eberhard, Eirin hatte ihre Hand im Schnee und deshalb zählt der Sprung als gestürzt.
Ski Jumps:
Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Olympiaschanze)
138 m gestürzt?
Hallo! Die 138 m sind ja in rot. Ist die Gute gestürzt oder war eine Hand im Schnee? Oder markiert ihr es auch rot, wenn es nicht offiziell ist, wie in diesem Fall im Training?
Ski Jumps:
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Sie haben eine Falschinformation auf ihrer Seite. Der Schanzenrekord ist 48m aber den hält Max Bolkart und nicht Georg Thoma. Ich bin selber als Jugendlicher dort gesprungen und kannte Georg Thoma. Mein Onkel Karl-Heinz Hertneck hat diese Schanze erbeut.
Ski Jumps:
Breitenwang (Hoffmannshöhe)
did the K15 have matting too?
Ski Jumps:
Biberau-Biberschlag (Roßbachtal)
2 jumps
and i also sent info about 2 skijumps i found in Poland
Ski Jumps:
Biberau-Biberschlag (Roßbachtal)
i sent the photo around 2 months ago on your email will you put it in?
Ski Jumps:
small ski jump
i found on youtube a skijumping hill in wieliczka which has a small inrun tower and its a K6 hill here are some videos from it
Ski Jumps:
Raba Wyżna
Losy skoczni na przełomie XX i XXI wieku
Według pewnych doniesień na miejscu dawnej skoczni skakali amatorzy na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. W swoich skokach zapewne nie zbliżyli się do rekordowej odległości na tym obiekcie.
Ski Jumps:
Örnsköldsvik (Paradiskullen)
ok its just when click sweden--) operating and then its Orrby
Ski Jumps:
Helsinki (Munkkivuori)
Täällä katkaisin ensimmäiset sukseni
Asuimme Munkkivuoressa Teljäntie 5:ssä ja täältä oli lyhty matka mäkeen.
Muutama hyppy tavallisilla suksilla talvella 1965-66, sukset katkesivat
joten siihen jäi mäkihyppääjän ura.
Ski Jumps:
Örnsköldsvik (Paradiskullen)
when i click on the icon in sweden it doesnt show ornskoldsvik but orrby
Ski Jumps:
Berlin (Onkel Toms Hütte)
N 52.4557563, E 13.2536373
Ski Jumps:
street view
the hill is basically destroyed and overgrow
Ski Jumps:
Planica (Nordic Center)
K30 didnt have matting
Ski Jumps:
Liberec (Slavia)
P points
if its worth putting it here, then the jumps had P points 25 and 15
Ski Jumps:
Kranj (Bauhenk)
i see mixed in polish set is english and in english set is polish
Ski Jumps:
Kranj (Bauhenk)
new gallery
the new gallery is only in Polish
Ski Jumps:
Machov (Hůrka II)
in 2020 gallery change dipapidated to dilapidated
Ski Jumps:
Seinäjoki (Jouppilanvuoren)
hill missing
one hill from these is missing since they are 5 and 4 listed
Ski Jumps:
wrong letter
at the start replace capitol by capital
Ski Jumps:
Vratislavice nad Nisou (Sluníčko)
2018 gallery
in the gallery change the K15 and 25 to 12 and 20
Ski Jumps:
Râşnov (Valea Cărbunării)
in competitons on 2023-10-7- it says L-NST Hektor Kapustik and NST Andra Gheorge which means its switched
Ski Jumps:
frank wrote on 2025-02-23 at 00:17:1974 fand hier noch der Trommelpokal statt.