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New junior hills in Vienna in planning stage

on 2014-01-23

The "Wiener Stadtadler" require a new ski jumping complex for young ski jumping athletes in Vienna. Three plastic covered hills could be built in Penzing district.

Since 2005 the ski jumping club "Wiener Stadtadler" in Austria's capital Vienna has been successfully training young ski jumpers. With Mario Mendel even the bronze medal winner of EYOF 2013 is member of the club and in the same year the "city eagles" were honored as the sports club with the best young talent work in Vienna by the city officials.

However, there is no ski jumping hill in Vienna! Each weekend the 50 active children and their supervisors have to board minibuses in order to travel to junior hills all over Asutria for a chance to practise. Usually they use the plastic covered hills at Mürzzuschlag, which is 100 km from Vienna, and also oragnize the city championships of Vienna there.

"We require our own ski jumping hill in Vienna", says Christian Moser from Wiener Stadtadler to ORF. He is desiring a 15, 30 and 60 meter hill, since they would provide best chance for young athletes to be promoted to ski boarding schools and national training centers. He adds: "For a sustainable development we definetly need these three hills. This would be enough for the next 20 years." For the financing the project the city authorities of Vienna are necessary.

Moser suggests a location at Penzing for the hills: "From the point of view as a sportsman, an attractive location would be in the 14th district, near Hohe-Wand-Wiese, were there existed a ski jump before. There a ski jump could be placed on a wind-shielded slope. Actually it would not be a completely new hill, just the reactivation of an old one!"

Already in early 20th century the ski jumping history of Vienna began with ski jumping hills at Kaltenleutgeben, Hütteldorf and Grinzing, and smaller hills at Pötzleinsdorf, Neuwaldegg and on the Schmelz. In 1931 almost 20,000 spectators came to Cobenzl-Schanze at Hadersdorf-Weidlingau. Himmelhof-Schanze, which was located nearby the possibly location of the new junior hills, was the last ski jump at Vienna and operated between 1949 and 1980.

Ski Jumps:

AUT Wien (Cobenzl)
AUT Wien (Himmelhof)
AUT Mürzzuschlag


Skisprungclub Wiener Stadtadler Wiener Skispringer wollen Schanze



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