Citizens vote for a new hill in St. Moritz
on 2013-11-24
A citizen's decision in Swiss St. Moritz was made in favor of the new construction of Olympic hill. Thus the way was cleared for the new HS 106, which shall be ready by 2015-2016.
Press release by SwissSki on 2013-11-24
Author: Sportinformation / csl,
Ski jumping: St. Moritz in favor of ski jumping hill project
St. Moritz wants to continue its long ski jumping tradition. The citizens voted for the construction of a new ski jumping facility including an Olympic size hill.
The loan for the new construction of 11.5 million Swiss Franks and a necessary partial revision of the town development plan were agreed on with 932 to 705 votes. The turnout of voters was 62.2 per cent. All in all St. Moritz is going to spend 8.2 million Franks for the new-construction, since federal and state funds are sharing 3.3 million Franks.
At Klingenthal, where the Swiss ski jumpers participated in the World Cup opening, the decision was well received. "I did not expect such a clear vote. The handicap of our discipline is that there is only a small group of benefitors. Ski jumping is not open to anyone. However there is a strong support by the public", said Berni Schödler, native of St. Moritz. "The ski jump is especially important for the second row of ski jumpers. They will have one more possibility to jump, test material under snow conditions", added the discipline leader of ski jumping at Swiss Ski. "At St. Moritz we have a very active group in ski jumping. The ski club will also benefit of the new ski jumps by attracting new ski jumpers."
St. Moritz wants to try to set foot also as an organizers. There is a large group of people targeting this aim. "We can not say yet whether St. Moritz will come back into the World Cup calendar. An organizing commitee has to be set up and must become known. If St. Moritz can offer an attractive product, it will have good chances", says Schödler. A possible scenario would be a season opening of Nordic skiers at Engadin.
The new facility is going to replace the more than 80 year old Olympiaschanze by 2015-2016. It had to be closed due to security reasons in 2006. The new-construction will include a normal hill with hill size of 106 meters and three smaller bakken. Thus ski jumping on national and international class shall be brought back to St. Moritz. New opportunities for tourism might also open up. Due to the snow-security of upper Engadin, the new hill should be well-frequented by foreign teams for training camps.
Ski Jumps:

St. Moritz
Ich finde es super, dass in St. Moritz wieder einen Skisprungzulauf bekommt. Ich hoffe aber, dass die Anlage mit dem HS von 109m dennoch hin und wieder für Weltcup Springen herangezogen wird. Falls die Anlage mit Matten belegt wird, wäre es doch auch eine schöne Station für den Sommer Grand Prix.
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