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Conversion works in Falun progressing

on 2013-08-26

For the Nordic Ski World Championships 2015 at Falun in Sweden both Lugnet ski jumping hills are currently converted and completely modernized. Already in February/March 2014 the WSC trials are scheduled.

Lugnet skiing area in Falun in Swedish Dalarna region, which has been hosting "Svenska Skidspelen" since 1952, currently looks like one construction site. In February 2015 Falun is going to host the Nordic World Ski Championships for a fourth time after 1954, 1974 and 1993, and therefore the sports facilities have to be brought to excellent condition.

Especially the two Lugnet ski jumping hills, which are going to hold the first test World Cups already in February and March 2014, were out-dated and not at all suitable for World Championships. The characteristic steel-made inrun towers of the two jumps, which were built for the WSC in 1974, remain in place, but the profiles of the former K115 and K90 are completely made over and adapted to modern requirements. The inruns are going to be equipped with ice-ceramic tracks by Slovenian manufacturer MANA, the take-offs and facings of the inrun towers blended with glass and a view-point built on top of K120.

Since summer 2012 soil works have been running in order to adapt the landing hill profiles to K120 (HS 134) and K90 (HS 100). Therefore steel gabions had to be filled up with stone material. Furthermore, the complete infrastructure around the ski jumps is renewed, a technical room built next to K120, two new coaches stands are set up, the existing judges tower is modernized and a new funicular installed.

While the plastic covering of the large hill is already in progress, it is still questionable whether or not the K90, which had been usable in summer before the conversion, will again have plastic mattings. Politicians have to decide upon necessary funds first, just as about another 1.7 million Euro which would be necessary for the construction of the junior hills K60, K35 and K15, which are urgently needed in order to keep ski jumping in Falun and Sweden alive beyond the WSC.

Ski Jumps:

SWE Falun (Lugnet)


FALUN 2015 - FIS Nordic World Ski Championships



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4)   ostseeliebhaber   wrote on 2013-09-09 at 15:44:

Matten für die Normalschanze sind zwar in Planung werden aber in naher Zukunft keinesfalls realisiert.

3)   Olli   wrote on 2013-09-01 at 03:33:


Bilde ich mir das nur ein, oder haben die Türme einen neuen Anstrich erhalten?

2)   wrote on 2013-08-30 at 19:13:


Es ist vielleicht etwas missverständlich formuliert, aber bei den Jugendschanzen ist sogar fraglich, ob sie überhaupt gebaut werden!

1)   joel   wrote on 2013-08-30 at 15:39:

ich hoffe die k-90 und die jugendschanzen bekommen auch noch matten

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