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Announcement: `Luis on Tour´ becomes `Luis on Ski Jumping Hill Tournament´

on 2012-12-17

After a successful first season our column "Luis on Tour" will continue, but Luis Holuch is going to report from his ski jumping hill visits under a new title. Now it becomes "Luis on Ski Jumping Hill Tournament"!

Dear readers and visitors of the Ski Jumping Hill Archive!

Now, the first season of my column “Luis on tour” has ended. Because of that, I would like to resume a bit and to announce something.

It means a lot to me, that I can write and publish this column. So I want to begin by thanking the author of Ski Jumping Hill Archive, Oliver Weeger, for that. I spoke to him after my last summer vacation, on whether it would make no sense to write travelogues and have so content on our wonderful website that are something more away from journalism. He said at that time that I was the first who would come to him with such an idea and he would be convinced by the concept. (Note: I was also encountered already half a year before the team).

So the idea was born, and since then the column to read on our website. I write the texts alone and - in consultation with Oliver Weeger – I correct them if necessary, and he publishes them. Also, the photos are all of my works. I will send them to Oliver Weeger and he releases my pre-selection on the side. I actually have no idea which of the programming and IT basically...

With the episode Cortina d'Ampezzo, the first season (visits from the year 2011) is now over. The column has continuously grown and I have a lot of fun at writing it for you. As some of you have noticed for sure, the Planica episode is from this year. It was supposed to appear until the end of the 2nd season, but because of the described features, I decided to publish it immediately.

Yes, so there will be a second season. I also visited ski jumps in year 2012 and will continue to do so, unless they are time and resources! And off course I want to continue to publish my column. This second season, however, shall run under a different name, namely "Luis on Ski Jumping Hill Tournament". I chose this title because I'm not a big fan of Anglicisms so and the name basically says what it is all about. I travel to the hills, like the jumpers do it.

Nearly everybody can associate something with the word “tournament”. New visitors to the site and ski jumping laity can start directly with the concept of something. The logo will be the same, only with a new photo of me – because I am changing with the times, too. And because we take great care about topicality, it fits very well. So therefore, continue to enjoy reading the column.

Thanks to all the readers, all the people on Facebook who like the stories. You can follow me on Twitter ( and on Facebook. You can contact me as well by email (see my new address at “about us”).

Yours truly Luis Holuch



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1)   Beck Hans   wrote on 2013-03-11 at 10:09:

RWV Schanzenwart Kreuzbergschanzen Haselbach

ich finde diese sache von dir luis sehr gut!!!!

würde mich freuen dich am 08.09.2013 zum skispringen um
den Kreuzbergpokal 10X herzlich begrüßen zu dürfen.

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