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Modernization works in Falun ongoing

on 2012-09-12

Conversion works on the Lugnet ski jumps for the Nordic WWSC 2015 at Falun have started already and were recently reviewed by FIS and others.

This summer the first bulldozers took over the Lugnet area in order to make it ready for the Nordic World Ski Championships, which will take place at Swedish wintersports Mekka Falun from February 18 to March 1, 2015 already for the fourth time. The cross-country tracks around "Riksskid­stadion" and the ski jumping hills get modernized, but essentially the whole infrastructure has to be taken to the state of the art to do justice to the athletes, coaches and the expected 200,000 spectators.

Also the ramshackle Lugnet ski jumps, till now K115 and K90, the large hill even out of order for a few years already, are radically modernized and enlarged into (HS 134) and K95 (HS 105) until next summer. Therefore the soil works have recently started. But of course all the surroundings are included as well, with new spectators stands fr up to 200,000 visitors, a new judges tower, cooled inrun tracks, wind shields and floodlights, as well as the badly needed junior hills K60, K35 and K15.

Just recently on September 11 and 12, representatives of the sports associations, authorities and the media could review the status of planning and realization, which shall already be completed for the up-coming World Cup Final events in March 2013 in case of the cross-country facilities, during a meeting held by the organization committee.

Sven von Holst, the Chairman of the Board of the Organizing Committee stated on “The initial planning phase is now finished, and we enter a more intensive period of preparations. We have encountered some obstacles on the way, but our sights are now set forwards. We need to be ready, our dates are given and we cannot lose any time. But I feel confident especially given the strong support from the City of Falun and our ambition is to involve the entire region of Dalarna in the Championships.”

Mayor of the city of Falun Jonny Gahnshag added: “The critical period of April has been overcome and work at Lugnet is progressing well. I too am confident and think that our focus must now move to opportunities for regional development and serving companies interested to use our facilities for their activities as well as to engaging children and youth in the sport of skiing.”

Ski Jumps:

SWE Falun (Lugnet)


FALUN 2015 - FIS Nordic World Ski Championships Falun 2015 construction underway



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5)   Moritz   wrote on 2015-02-18 at 19:58:

ich war vor zwei jahren da und bin auf die türme geklettert, die toiletten auf der kleinen schanze waren in der tat nicht taufrisch :-) aber ansonsten machte das einen guten eindruck, das naturstadion ist optisch super!

4)   Heinz Köberl   wrote on 2015-02-18 at 14:00:

Billige Schanzen

Nach spätestens 40 Jahren sprengen sie bei uns jeden Turm weg. OK. Garmisch war fällig. Innsbruck keinesfalls. Schon gar nicht ohne die nicht erfolgte komplette Profilanpassung.
Die Schweden machen auf Billig, verzichten auf den ganzen teuren Architektur-Pallawatsch und passen nur die Profile an. Vorhandenes Konstrukt nutzen, Verglasung drauf. Passt scho!
Sehr gescheit!

3)   Olli   wrote on 2012-10-28 at 16:27:


Danke für die Info. Dass die Türme bestehen bleiben finde ich eine gute Sache, allerdings werden die doch bestimmt auch restauriert. Wenn man die Fotos sieht, erkennt man sofort, dass diese ihre besten Tage bereits hinter sich haben. Gibts da zufällig Informationen?

2)   wrote on 2012-10-20 at 17:29:


Sie werden bestehen bleiben, es wird hauptsächlich das Profil des Aufsprunghangs modernisiert und die Infrastruktur verbessert.

1)   Olli   wrote on 2012-10-17 at 11:34:


Kann mir jemand sagen, ob die Schanzentürme in Falun bestehen bleiben oder werden diese auch umgebaut? Merci

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