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Ski jumps at Wisła Centrum shall be renovated

on 2012-05-12

The ski jumping hills K17, K23 and K40 located in the town center of Wisła will be renovated. If everything goes according to the plan and needed 3 million zlotys are raised, first jumps will be performed in autumn 2013.

The facilities being under club's Wisła Ustronianka care were built in 1962 and their last renovation took place in 1997. Each hill is covered with a plastic matting and ski jumpers compete there from time to time e.g. in Małysz's Foundation Cup, but the hills are considered as dangerous and they just scare. This caused a drop of interest in ski jumping among young athletes which fewer and fewer appear on the inrun. However, no wonder at parents who are afraid of the safety of their children. To train, athletes have to go to neighboring Bystra and Nydek.

"The training starts with athletes at the age of 6-8 years, it's difficult to train such child on larger hills. At this time, interest has decreased. It must be said that the facilities scare away. Parents bring their children to the hills, see the condition of these objects and not a few of them give up. Until we have new hills, the situation is difficult. We have already had a situation that on the hills K23 and K40 wires came out", said Jan Szturc on

Renting a hill and transport of children are associated with high costs while the income of the club is small. Transacting of all bureaucratic matters is also not easy - institutions issuing licenses are careful after experiences with building of Malinka. Because the small hills are right next to the railway track, it was necessary to receive and pay for permission from PKP. An initially small renovation begins to seem a building from the ground up.

„Currently we have a problem with a judge’s tower which is supposed to be 14 meters high. But there is a "marching", dropping scarp which requires special foundations. These are serious constructional changes. As of today we're working with the second builder. By now, we paid over 70 thousand zlotys for the project,” explained Donat Zniszczoł.

The documentation and the construction permit were filed: „Necessary documents have been just filed to the district department. First we have to get construction permit, we have to amass funds, later it can be put out to tender. Our plan is to finish all formalities this year. To start works in early spring, 3 months are needed to end a construction. We take into account the weather changes, so autumn 2013 should be the time of first jumps,” said vice-chairman of KS Wisła Ustronianka.

Expenses are assessed at 3 million zloty (700.000 Euro), a financial help was offered by the marshal of province, the president Bronisław Komorowski and the Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Adam Małysz watches over everything. „I'll help to collect money for the renovation. If necessary, I will go to all institutions and ask for money. I hope it will succeed. Those jump hills are the mark of Wisła, they are in a strict center and we need them.”

Everybody hopes on success of this venture, which would improve the situation of Wisła Ustronianka and young jumpers' training conditions. „When hills are finished, I will jump by myself” laughed Janusz Tyszkowski. And now we are waiting for chairman's first jump.

Ski Jumps:

POL Wisła (Centrum)

Links: - Nowe skocznie w Wiśle-Centrum: Wystąpiono o pozwolenie na budowę



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