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Peter Riedel Sports Technology

Skispringen-Community Forum


Sochi: inrun track installed

on 2011-12-21

The probably world's most modern inrun track was recently installed at the large hill of "RusSki Gorki" Jumping Center.

The inrun track of the K125 large hill of the ski jumping complex for Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games had just been installed in end of November and early December. Due to heavy snowfall the ALOSLIDE track of the HS 140 at "RusSki Gorki" ski jumping center at Esto-Sadok in Krasnaya Polyana region had to be mounted covered by tarpaulins.

"At Sochi he have just installed the world's most modern inrun track. It is a combination of a ceramic and ice track. This make the hill in Sochi more independent of weather conditions" said Joachim Winterlich, ski jumping coach and advisor of the manufacturer CeramTec-ETEC GmbH. The same system had already been installed at the new HS 106 normal hill of Oberstdorf in fall this year. There, as well as at Vogtland-Arena in Klingenthal, it even includes a mesauring system for forces during take-off, which hasn't been included in the tracks for Sochi 2014 jumps.

Initially the works at "RusSki Gorki" Jumping Center were planned to be finished already and first FIS competitions were to be held in February 2012, but the works got delayed and so the first trial jumps on the large hill shall be performed by the end of this ski jumping season. The final FIS inspection of the whole facility might only take place in June 2012. The first Ski Jumping World Cup is scheduled for December 2012 and after the Olympic Winter Games 2014 the ski jumping facility with its five jumps shall be used for international competitions, but mainly as a training center for Russian athletes.

Ski Jumps:

RUS Esto-Sadok (RusSki Gorki Jumping Center)


CeramTec-ETEC GmbH -



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2)   wrote on 2011-12-23 at 11:20:


Vielen Dank für den Hinweis!
Bei der Recherche basierend auf mehreren Zeitungs- bzw. Internetartikeln bin ich leider etwas durcheinander geraten und habe übersehen, dass die in Sochi verwendete Anlaufspur nicht Ski-Line sondern ETEC ist.
Ich habe den Artikel korrigiert und stehe mit Herrn Kropp von ETEC in Kontakt, um noch weitere Informationen zu bekommen!

1)   Meister   wrote on 2011-12-22 at 18:08:


Werter Herr Verfasser und Inhaber
dieser Seite, richtig ist, dass der
Erfinder dieser in Sochi liegenden Anlaufspur Joachim Winterlich
ist! Diese in Sochi
liegende Spur hat weder mit Peter
Riedel noch mit der Firma Ski-Line
was zu tun!
Diese Spur in Sochi ist das Produkt
innovativer Köpfe:
Joachim Winterlich,die Firma ETEC
und bedeutende Unternehmen
aus der Region Erzgebirge - keine
Peter Riedel GmbH!
Joachim Winterlich ist derzeit
Cheftrainer in Bulgarien und
trainiert den Junioren-Weltmeister
Vladimir Zografski!
Außerdem ist er nicht
Bitte zukünftig
besser recherchieren!!
Es ist sicher notwendig, dass Sie
Ihren Artikel neu verfassen und im
vorab mit dem Erfinder Joachim
Winterlich Kontakt aufnehmen!!

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