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Wind shelter for Olympiaschanze

on 2011-11-30

In order to improve security and provide equal conditions during the New Year's competition at Garmisch-Partenkirchen a wind shelter gets installed at Olympia­schanze, as it was demanded by the FIS.

The traditional New year's competition at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which is the second event of Four Hills Tournament, will be held with a wind shelter for the first time this winter. On behalf of the German Ski Association (DSV) the Austrian specialists of Alpina will set up a 1500 m² large wind net along the new Olympiaschanze, in order to secure the ski jumping highlight on January 1. Thereby the ski association and organizing committee are reacting on last year's experiences, when the competition had to be aborted after only one round with long-lasting delays due to wind conditions.

"The Four Hills Tournament is the biggest highlight of the nordic skiing winter every year. The hosting of this event has to be made sure by us. This is our duty for the sportsmen, the fans in the stadiums and the millions of TV viewers", explains Thomas Pfüller, general secretary of the German Ski Association (DSV).

"I am glad that we found a solution now together with the DSV and the municipality of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, this is a huge motivation for our whole team", says Michael Maurer, president of the Skiclub Partenkirchen and chairman of the local organization committee for New Year's competition.

The new structure at Garmisch-Partenkirchen will be installed between judges' tower and the ski jump on the side of Gudiberg in early December. It consists of three parts, which are all ten meters high, and will be stabilized by seven steel poles and modern tension systems. The new wind shelter shall protect the New Year's competition from thermal afternoon winds at Gudiberg that usually come up after 2pm. These afternoon winds have been causing problems for the jury since the newconstruction of Olympiaschanze in 2007-08, because the take-off of the new facility was elevated by more than 10 meters compared to the old jump and is now more vulnerable to the wind. The first testing scenario for the new wind net will be on December 17 and 18 with the FIS-Cup held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

Abstract of a press release by the "Organisationskomitee Vierschanzentournee"

Ski Jumps:

GER Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Olympiaschanze)


OK Vierschanzentournee: Windnetz für die Olympiaschanze



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1)   Simon   wrote on 2011-11-30 at 20:07:

Na endlich

Das wird ja auch langsam mal Zeit. Eine der modernsten Schanzen der Welt und kein Windnetz. Das geht einfach nicht...

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