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JUMP! - The winners

on 2011-10-24

The sweepstake for 3 copies of the illustrated book "JUMP! - The most beautiful jumps in the world" has come to an end - and here are the lucky winners!

The winners of each one copy of the illustrated book "JUMP! - The most beautiful jumps in the world" are:

- Matthias Futterer (Germany)

- Anja Kuhar (Slovenia)

- Stefanie Kaltenböck (Austria)

The books will be send out in the next days!

Unfortunately we couldn't give a copy to all the participants, but anyone interested in beautiful photos of 40 ski jumping hills all around the world, can order it at!

Illustrated book “JUMP! – The most beautiful jumps in the world” presented

HINZENBACH/VIENNA – “This book is an appreciation of frequently underestimated constructions. It was already overdue.” These are the words of a true expert: Walter Hofer has been FIS Race Director ski jumping for many years. “Ski jumpers need structures to slide into the deep, before they start to fly and on where they can land on. Sportsmen, who control these facilities and take them to the limits, are the kings of the air. Ski jumpers realize everyone’s dream: to be able to fly. Ski jumping hills allow a small group of chosen people to make this dream come true”, says the man from Salzburg in his foreword and repeated his words during the presentation of the book during the Grand Prix event at Hinzenbach on October 1st.

With “JUMP! – The most beautiful jumps in the world” (in German, English, French and Russian language), the authors and photographers Peter Riedel and Horst Nilgen present a work, which portrays 40 ski jumping facilities worldwide – from Oslo, where everything had started, over the spots of Four Hills Tournament, to the ski flying monuments and most prominent hills used by Nordic Combined. And there is also a spotlight onto the development of new facilities in Russia, at Chaykovsky and Nizhny Tagil.

“The 1980’s and 1990’s were different times – and for sure not the better ones! When I see the pompous ski jumping facilities of today, with their generous and comfortable chair lifts, then I sometimes remember my ages. A lift at Innsbruck? No chance! A gondola at Engelberg? Certainly not! A chair lift at Oberstdorf? Unfortunately not“, are the words of Jens Weißflog in his epilogue.

He, just as well as everyone else interested into ski jumping, now have a book present with “JUMP!”, that makes it possible just to regard, to gape and to muse about past and present times.

With a prologue by FIS Race Director Walter Hofer.
With an epilogue by Jens Weißflog.

The authors
Peter Riedel, as an expert for innovative inrun technologies, and Horst Nilgen, as FIS media coordinator for ski jumping, have been closely following the international ski jumping scene for many years and were capturing their impressions also in photographical form.

Technical Details
Peter Riedel/Horst Nilgen
JUMP! - The most beautiful jumps in the world
Hardcover with approx. 176 pages, 26 x 21 cm, throughout 4c
Text in four languages: German, French, English, Russian
Price: 39.90 €. ISBN: 978-3-902480-73-6 Order here:



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1)   Jennifer Ledger   wrote on 2019-03-06 at 19:48:



My son is a Nordic Combined athlete from the US. I would like to purchase the book Jump! for him. How do I do that?

Thank you,
518.524.4093 is my cell phone number

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