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Special for the FIS Grand Prix

on 2011-07-02

In two weeks the summer grand prix will begin at Wisła in Poland for a first time. Before each GP competition, there will be an update with recent information on the particular ski jump.

After the decision about the Olympic Winter Games 2018 will be made on July 6, the ski jumping summer season begins.

We will take this as an occasion for reworking the information on the hosting ski jumps of Grand Prix events and bring it to latest status of 2011. So a few days before a competition is going to take place, we will have an update on the particular hill. The kick-off is on July 17 at Wisła in Poland. COC is already starting this weekend at Kranj. For this series we will have a lot of updates in the articles about the hosting ski jumps as well. We wish you a lot of fun reading it and are looking forward to the competitions!

It will be exciting to follow the competition series. Will it be a summer of Polish jumpers like last year, even without Adam Małysz? How is last season's overall World Cup winner Thomas Morgenstern going to perform? Can Daiki Ito repeat his last year's triumph? And how are the German's going to perform in front of there home audiences at Hinterzarten and Klingenthal?

With Almaty (Kazakhstan) and Hinzenbach (Austria) to new hills are featured on the calendar, were world class never competed before so far. It will be interesting to see spectator interest especially at Almaty and also at COC events in Erzurum in Turkey. Other competitions are held in Japan, Switzerland, France and Norway. Two team events will be staged, one each at Zakopane and Hinterzarten, like last season.

All users of this website can be looking forward to fresh information on the up-coming competition spots. So fans can look forward to competitions on the weekends and "prepare" with the latest information on the particular ski jumping hill!

Even the break between the end of summer Grand Prix and the beginning of winter World Cup at Kussamo are only one and a half months, so no one was to wait too long for for jumps on snow. This is quite comfortable for spectators and athletes. The exact competitions schedules can be find at "Competitions" section!



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1)   Gracekch   wrote on 2011-07-09 at 17:52:


Czemu nie tłumaczycie artykułów na język polski ?

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