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New-construction of Malinka at Wisła

on 2004-02-20

At Wisła, the hometown of Adam Małysz, the shabby Malinka-K105 ski jump shall be deconstructed and replaced by a new K120 large hill.

Because of Adam Małysz and his success, ski jumping became popular in Poland. Now, perfect conditions for training shall be made for the repeated world champion and winner of the World Cup. Also in his home town Wisła (pronounced: Wiswa), where World Cup competitions should take place in the future.

Damaged stairs at the inrun-tower, perforated shelves and danger of land slipping. That is the look at the old “Malinka”-large-hill, which was closed three years ago. On the old K105, that was all not realizable, so the city fathers thought about a new building of the large hill. At thirst, they planed to renovate the large hill and to direct the street above the out-run, which had to be closed, if there were training sessions.

But now, there exist a new project, which shall be realized this year. This project includes a planed K120 with a hill size of 134 m and a ski-stadium with a capacity of 10,000. The old inrun tower will be pulled down and - at the same place – an architectonic new tower with a warm-up-room will be build. The judges and coaches tower will look not less futuristic than that, which seems to be glass box, which is hanging up on a stick. Even the stands for spectators shall be placed on the same level.

Nevertheless the ski-stadium will be the highlight of the “Malinka”: The distracting street will be directed not above the out-run and the stands, but - through a tunnel - among it. The stands which will be constructed with stones, timber, glass, aluminium and natural concrete and will have a space for 2,500 visitors and even a functional building. In addition to that, there will be a ski-lift for the athletes and floodlights for attractive night-competitions.

In the whole, the areal will include 36,000 square metres, 19,000 cubic metres soil have to be transported and even parking areas of 8,100 square metres will be there. A concrete date to start this project, which will cost 3, 75 Mio. €, does not already exist, because of an unclear financial situation.

Ski Jumps:

POL Wisła (Malinka)




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