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Trampolino for Torino

on 2004-04-05

Nearly two years ago the construction of the new Olympic ski jumping hills for Torino 2006 Winter Games had started. Now we have a detailled view on planning and construction progress at Pragelato.

The candidacy of “winter sports metropolis” Torino for the Olympic Games 2006 worked not without problems, but in the end, the XXI. Olympic Winter Games were awarded to the north Italian city. Most of the disciplines won't take place in the hometown of FIAT, but in the nearby Alps. The athletes in ski jumping and cross-country will have to travel to 500-habitant-town Pragelato. But in the small commune situated 1535 metres above sea level, no Olympic Games-proof venues exist and so the cross-country-stadium and also the hills have to be build.

The “Stadio del Trampolio”, which will come out of nowhere – about 85 km to Torino – will include both Olympic hills, K120 large hill and a K95 normal hill, in addition to that a ski jumping school with K60, K30 and K15 hills. Of course, the hills will have a heatable warming-up-room, a comfortable judge's and coaches tower, a two-seat-ski-lift and floodlights. According to statements of the architect’s-office A.T.I., the hill will be placed in the wood. So it will be protected from the wind. Furthermore the hills are nearly natural hills, which are in the form of the mountains.

The jumpers' village shall be placed in the wood, too, near to the hill-tower. A result of this will be a short and perfect preparation for the jumpers. But the core of the project will be the multifunctional-building, which will be placed parallel to the out-run. There will be not only stands for 18,500 spectators, but they are in a complex with a hotel – space: 100 beds – a restaurant, conference-rooms for about 200 persons, a discotheque and also service and technique rooms.

Very important are also the small hills and the connected ski school, which have the goal to deliver young Italian jumpers in Pragelato, to improve the future of ski jumping in Italy.

The building of the hills started in July of 2002 and the works will finish in this year. At the beginning of February 2005, the Olympic test-competition will be absolved in the course of the ski jumping-world-cup. The costs for the whole project are 34.28m €. That includes all hills, the school, the multifunctional building and the infrastructure in the whole region. The complex will surely a grave venue for the ski jumping and Nordic combined competitions.

Ski Jumps:

ITA Pragelato (Stadio del Trampolino)


Agenzia Torino 2006



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