Young talents in the Russian metropolis
on 2004-07-20
Wintersports are a serious issue - The article “My Moscow” by Anja Bröker from WDR online.
And then, the total sensation: Ski jumping in central Moscow! On the ridge of the Lenin Mountains are all in all five ski jumping hills, one large and four small hills.
On one of the small hills (unfortunately already very rusted) are young talents hurrying. A serious case: Everybody could win the Muscovite town-championships.
13- and 14-year-old jumpers jump on the so-called K45-hill. That means: The critical sign is the jump length of 45 m. Aljoscha explained me this, who did not have a nice day, like he says. He is “only” on the 6th place, with a length in the 3rd run of 27 m.
Sascha is ski jumping since already five years. I asked him, how he detects Martin Schmitt:” He is a nice guy!”, he answered. “Do you have got a poster of him in your room?”, I further asked him. “Now, why should I have only a poster? I have got a video tape of Martin Schmitt!!!”, he answered proudly. “Because of the jumps!” Well, how could I ask such a stupid question…? There is no Bravo-poster or anything like that. The only things, which count here, are technique and long jumps!
Like I said, everything is serious…And the Muscovites know a lot of sports.
Ski Jumps:

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