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Peter Riedel Sports Technology

Skispringen-Community Forum


Moderinzation of Jěstéd for WSC 2009

on 2006-12-14

In a bit more than 2 years the Nordic World Ski Championships will take place in Liberec in Czech Republic for a first time. The preparations for the big event are running already.

After an amazing Nordic World Ski Championships in Oberstdorf 2005 the Nordic games will be continued in Japan in Sapporo in this season. There the preparations of the sports facilities for the WSC are mostly completed already, while the host of the following WSC 2009 Liberec is now starting the hot phase of moderinzation of facilities, of re- and new-construction.

With the symbolic laying of the foundation stone by Czech state president Václav Klaus on September 6, 2006, the first phase of conversion works on Jěstéd ski jumping facility begun. First a completely new mutlifunctional building shall be constructed at the end of the outrun for nearly 5m € and not only be home to all the necessary equipment for ski jumping events, but also a restaurant. By the end on 2007 it shall be completed and then in the next spring further works can begin.

These are mainly the extension of spectator stands for Nordic WSC 2009 and the construction of a new judge's tower. Additionally the infrastructure of the ski jump will be improved by the construction of two new access roads with a total of 1200 parking spaces nearby. The hill profiles of both WSC hills HS 134 and HS 100 won't be changed at all, because they are still modern enough and fit latest requirements. Nevertheless additional floodlights will be installed to make night competitions possible and all four Jěstéd ski jumps K120, K90, K50 and K14 will be equipped with plastic mattings for summer training and competitions.

All in all the costs for the infrastructure updates around the sports facilities in Liberec will be 750m crownes (~ 27m Euro), whereof the main part will be financed by the government. Beside the moderinzation of Jěstéd the money is mainly used for the construction of a new cross-country stadium at Vesec.

The FIS staged the test competitions for Nordic Ski World Championships on HS 134 jump on February 8 and 9, 2008, one week later the cross-country trails will be tested. By then all construction measures should be completed if the strict schedule of the Organizing Committee can be held and then at least for the opening of the WSC on February 18, 2009 the sports facilities of Liberec will shine new in splendor.

Ski Jumps:

CZE Liberec (Ještěd)


Nordic World Ski Championships Liberec 2009



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