Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Miyanomori, Sapporo  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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JPNJPN-01Sapporo 札幌 (宮の森)


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Hill Size: HS 100
K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 106.0 m (Eric Frenzel GER, 2007-03-02, NC-WSC)
Men Winter Official hill record: 102.0 m (Adam Małysz POL, 2007-03-03, WSC)
Men Summer Hill record: 103.5 m (Taku Takeuchi JPN, 2011-08-20)
Women Winter Hill record: 103.0 m (Sara Takanashi JPN, 2014-01-11, L-WC)
Women Summer Hill record: 105.0 m (Sara Takanashi JPN, 2020-10-29)
Inrun length: 79.6 m
Inrun angle: 36°
Take-off length: 6.4 m
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Take-off height: 2.33 m
Speed: 85.3 km/h
Landing angle: 34.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Conversions: 2005
K90 (2005-...)K90 (1983-2005)K86 (1969-1983)

Further jumps: no
Spectator capacity: 30,000
Year of construction: 1969
Conversions: 1983, 1990, 1996, 2005
Status: operating
Ski club: SA Sapporo
Coordinates: 43.039803, 141.294785 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The first skiing courses in Sapporo were offered in 1909 by German university teacher Hans Koller. In March 1917 the construction of a first snow jumping hill at Mikadoyama followed and one year later a permanent wooden K20 hill was set up there. Nearby a 50 meter hill was set up in 1922 and one year later a K25 training hill was added.

Instead of enlarging the Snowbrand ski jump next to Ōkurayama large hill for the Olympic Winter Games 1972, in 1968 the new-construction of Miyanomori started in 1968. The K86 hill with its stadium with a capacity of 30,000 costed 395 million Yen and was officially inaugurated in November 1970. At the Japanese triple-victory on the normal hill event in 1972 Yukio Kasays won the Gold medal in front of 20,000 spectators.
In 1983 the ski jumping hill was enlarged onto K90 and equipped with plastic mattings for summer use. Another modernization followed in 1990, when an aluminium track with cooling system was installed in the inrun. A ceramic track was then put in place in 1996.
From 1980 to late 1990's Miyanomori had been regular host of World Cup competitions. This K90 hill was also part of the Nordic Ski Championships 2007, which was the very first WSC hosted in Asia. In advance it was modernized in 2005.

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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Hill records K90 (Women):

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12)   Luis Holuch   wrote on 2017-08-07 at 17:57:


Thanks for the info! I updated the record.

11)   skowron   wrote on 2017-08-07 at 11:55:

rew Record - TAKANASHI Sara 104 m


10)   Zbal   wrote on 2011-09-05 at 15:00:

Ale żal

Żal mi was.

9)   Zbal   wrote on 2011-09-05 at 14:59:


Wejdź w link z filmem.

8)   Artur   wrote on 2011-09-05 at 14:16:


Jesteś nienormalny. Daj sobie spokój i lepiej idź na onet.

7)   Zbal   wrote on 2011-09-05 at 13:41:


Wejdź w link z filmem.

6)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2011-09-03 at 17:20:


Jesteś pewien, że to na tej skoczni skoczył 143 m ;) i do tego latem ? ;p

5)   Zbal   wrote on 2011-09-03 at 10:05:

Summer hill record

Summer hill record: 143,0 m (Noriaki Kasai JPN)


4)   Karol P   wrote on 2011-09-03 at 00:19:

Adam Malysz

Adam Malysz hat seine besten Sprung des Lebens,King Adam Malysz

3)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2011-08-30 at 00:16:


Ok. Dzięki
A wiesz co z tym rekordem Okabe? Udało ci się coś znaleźć?

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