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New in the statistics area: personal best list of ski jumping ladies

on 2016-12-02

The time has finally come again: today, the ski jumping ladies are opening their winter with the World Cup in Lillehammer! Ahead of them, for months with exciting competitions and the journey to podiums and great results – and, additionally: the goal of rising up their personal best distance.But, what actually is the status quo of the best female ski jumpers? How far did they jump, where and when? You can find the answer right here, on our website!

This question has been the challenge for our team of researchers – Eberhard Jurgalski, the specialized chronicler of mountaineering and fan and supporter of ladies’ ski jumping, and Luis Holuch, our co-editor of the Ski Jumping Hill Archive. Both invested months in researching, exploring, collecting and summarizing. And is proud to present the results to you in the statistic area: a detailed list of the personal best distances of the ski jumping ladies!

So far, we collected over 1,800 athletes with personal bests between 200 and one meter(s) and more than 300 hill records, which all will be introduced into the hill database on this website. Since the ladies are not allowed yet to go ski flying competition-wise, in contrast to their male colleagues, this list looks naturally a little different then the men’s personal best list, which you can find on our website as well. Nevertheless: this list is supposed to be an award for the performances and achievements of the athletes and also the “home of personal bests”. Moreover: it expresses which level this young sport has already reached and which steps are made forward.

The fact, ladies’ ski jumping is a developing, a growing, sport, is unfortunately clearly visible when it comes to bookkeeping, which is sometimes either not good enough or simply not existing. But this should be changed and right here we are going to change the address, because this is the point, where YOU, dear female ski jumpers and fans and supporters of ladies’ ski jumping can be a part of this ambitious project. Eberhard and Luis did invest a lot of time and effort in this list and are yet satisfied enough that they gave their okay for publishing this list. But, as well as you, they follow “sky is the limit!” Which means: we want to include EVERY, really EVERY female ski jumper ever in this list. So, for us, it would be the biggest reward, if you could help us on completing this list. And this is exactly where you guys can help!

Of course, we are following each jump in each competition we are able to follow. From Lillehammer to Oslo, from December to March, from World Cup to Alpen Cup and from the smallest distances to far above 100 meters. But, of course, we could miss some things, especially if new personal bests happen in training.

So, please browse through the list in a moment of time and in case you find something you can add or correct, please let us know. Luis will be pleased to receive your information. You can find his email address in the menu at “About Us”. And we would like to ask you for another favor: partly, the information in this list come from you personally, respectively profiles or websites of/about you. We are really excited about what you do and what you achieve and that you are sharing this with us. It would be even greater if you mentioned besides your personal best distance also the hill and the date you jumped it. Mainly because of one reason: a personal best is not a personal best without a real proof – at least for statistics.

We hope the personal best distances will be exploding in the future, proverbial, if you are middle term allowed to jump on ski flying hills. Then, it will be much easier to maintain this list. Until then, we kindly ask for your help and care. We have the same goal as you and hope to support you with this list on your way to ski flying. That is exactly how our approach is meant and we hope you will understand it like this.

We wish you just the best for this winter and keep our fingers crossed that you will be able to achieve your personal goals and the goals of this sport individually and all together!

Eberhard Jurgalski and Luis Holuch

Links: - Personal Best List Ladies



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15)   Luis Holuch   wrote on 2018-12-10 at 17:06:

Comment 13) & 14)

I checked again with the official list from this test jumpings: Her 177 meters were a fall, which was not mentioned in Lindsey Van's blog. She probably has not seen it back then.

14)   Luis Holuch   wrote on 2018-12-10 at 16:49:

@Krzysztof Kafel

Thank you for your comment, Krzysztof! We will change that in our list.

13)   Krzysztof Kafel   wrote on 2018-12-08 at 19:04:

Post Scriptum

Actually, Sagen's personal best was slitlighly better, she achieved 177 meters during test jumps in 2009:

12)   Elli   wrote on 2017-11-20 at 07:44:

Gerne! Hier ist ein Artikel über Ramona Straub. Ihr Rekord liegt demnach jetzt bei 135 Metern.

11)   Luis Holuch   wrote on 2017-09-29 at 14:58:


Vielen Dank für deine Ergänzungen!
Wir nehmen sie auaf und gleichen sie mit unseren Rechercheergebnissen ab.
Geplant ist, dass vor dem Winter eine überarbeitete (die dritte) Version veröffentlicht wird.

10)   Elli   wrote on 2017-09-27 at 17:43:


Wird die Liste weiter aktualisiert?
Hier, nach meinen Recherchen:
Josephin Laue Ger 99 m Oberstdorf, 16.09.2017 (DP)
Kamila Karpiel Pol 98,5 m Oberwiesenthal, 18.08.2017
Alexandra Seifert Ger 95,5 m Predazzo, 24.09.2017
Anna Shpyneva Rus 95,5 m Oberwiesenthal, 18.08.2017
Selina Freitag Ger 94 m Predazzo, 24.09.2017
Sophia Maurus Ger 86,5 m Predazzo, 23.09.2017
Julia Tervahartiala Fin 85 m Trondheim, 15.09.2017

9)   Trojan   wrote on 2017-01-06 at 18:26:


Slovakia record - Viktoria Sidlova 65.5m in Szczyrk (7.10.2016r.)
Great Britain record - Louise Hazel 17m in Insbruck (2015?)
I cant find Mattel's result due to difficulties with fis site and about Wuik its an info from czech site about ski jumps and they dont say anything more, but Im quite sure that I also seen this result somewhere. But if i will find them im surely gonna write it here. Where did you take Rajda result from?

8)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2017-01-06 at 14:56:

Wendy and Coline

Sorry, Trojan, I wrote in German. So please can you find out the hills and, if possible, the exact dates of Wndy's and Coline's personal best jumps. Thanks in advance!

7)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2017-01-06 at 14:53:

Wendy und Coline

Hallo, Trojan! Finde bitte raus wann und wo genau Wendy und Coline ihre Bestweiten gesprungen sind, ja? Danke im Voraus!

6)   Trojan   wrote on 2017-01-05 at 17:18:

Thanks for that!

Great Job! But PR for Wendy Vuik is 121m (I dont remember where but I can find it) Also for Coline Mattel it will be 131.5

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