Conversion of Heini-Klopfer-Schanze about to start
on 2016-04-03
In the beginning of April the modernization works on the Heini-Klopfer-Ski Flying Hill in Oberstdorf are going start. Until winter the hill will be made competition-ready again and be enlarged, in order to be able to host the ski flying WC in 2018.
Already for the sixth time, the Ski Flying World Championships are going to be hosted on Heini-Klopfer-Skiflugschanze in Oberstdorf from January 18 to 21, 2018. However, since the FIS certificate of the hill expired after the last ski flying World Cups in 2013, the only ski flying hill in Germany will have to undergo a profound modernization first, in order to comply to the requirements of today's ski flyers. Thus the conversion and enlargement works are going to start at Stillach valley in Oberstdorf in early April, and might finally result in flights of up to 250 meters.
The general descision for the redevelopment of the hill was made by the town council of Oberstdorf in summer 2015 and in the following months the financing by federal, state and municipal funds was secured. For about 11.6 million Euros the hill needs to be completed by the end of 2016, in order to host the obligatory test World Cup before the main event, the Ski Flying World Championships in 2018, as part of the FIS Team Tour in February 2017. "It is an ambitious timeline, but we are certain that we can make it", said project leader Thomas Hegele in February.
Already in December 2015 smaller deconstruction works had started and in end of February 2016 the detailled conversion plans were presented by Renn-Architects. Now the main part of conversion works is going to start in a couple of days. The unique, 72 meter high, free-floating concrete inrun tower is, of course, going to be conserved. However, the take-off is going to be shifted 7 meters back and 5 meters higher, which will result in a lower flight curve and at the same time in an enlargement of the hill as K200 and HS 225. Therefore soil works will have to be carried out and a support structure needs to be built at the upper knoll. Furthermore, the inrun will be equipped with a new track and be broadened in the upper part. Additionally, a number of improvements of the general infrastructure will be carried out: judges and coaches towers, a slanting elevator and the atheletes' village will be completly rebuild.
Ski Jumps:
Oberstdorf (Skiflugschanze)Links: Instandsetzung Heini-Klopfer-Skiflugschanze, Oberstdorf | So sieht die neue Heini-Klopfer-Skiflugschanze in Oberstdorf aus |
Die alte Schanze
Gut, dass ich die alte Schanze schon besucht habe und schade, dass ich den Sprungrichterturm nur fotografiert habe - ich hatte keine Angelegenheit, auch diesen Turm zu besteigen. Der neue Turm wird auch schön, aber der alte ist wegen vielen verschiedenen "Stöcke" sehr interessant - außer den Jurzplätzen selbst gibt es mindestens vier Ebenen.
Und Anlauf "ohne" Turm - so etwas sollte auch in Lublin gebaut werden (die "neue Krokiewka"), aber der Projekte wurde nie verwirklicht. Jetzt wird eine solche Konstruktion in Oberstdorf zu sehen sein, und mehrmals größer als in Lublin. ;)
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