Latest hill records:
2024-12-21: | HS 140 | Engelberg, Gross-Titlis-Schanze | |
WC | 140.0 m | Nika Prevc | |
2024-12-08: | HS 106 | Kandersteg, Lötschberg-Schanze | |
FIS | 111.5 m | Simon Steinberger | |
2024-12-08: | HS 106 | Zhangjiakou, Snow Ruyi | |
COC | 109.0 m | Robin Pedersen | |
2024-12-07: | HS 106 | Zhangjiakou, Snow Ruyi | |
L-ICOC | 108.5 m | Katharina Schmid | |
2024-10-20: | HS 134 | Hakuba, Large Hill | |
N-JPN | 140.5 m | Tomofumi Naito |
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Ski Jumps: Sande (Stokke)
Karl Laurits Olsen wrote on 2024-12-26 at 09:49:Hill record
Hill record (K54): 58 m, Torbjørn Yggeseth (Norway), 9 February 1969.
Ski Jumps: Harstad (Kveldteigen)
Karl Laurits Olsen wrote on 2024-12-25 at 20:08:Longest jump
Longest jump (K73): 83.5 m, Halvor Egner Granerud (Norway), 3 March 2012 (fall, trial round).
Ski Jumps: Sauda
Karl Laurits Olsen wrote on 2024-12-25 at 19:41:Hill record
Hill record: 70 m, Ole Christen Enger (Norway), 26 March 1995.
Ski Jumps: Antonsthal
Matthias Wagner wrote on 2024-12-25 at 14:37:Korrektur und Ergänzungen
Zur Halsbachschanze stelle ich mal zwei Fotos von einem Wettbewerb in der frühen 1960ern zur Verfügung. Die Fotos hier mit Gebäuden im Hintergrund beziehen sich nicht auf die Halsbachschanze, sondern auf Anlagen, die in den 1950ern in Halden der SDAG Wismut verschwunden sein müssen ("Weißer Hirsch", 235), unterhalb des Rothenbergweges zwischen Antonsthal/Antonshöhe und Crandorf.
Ski Jumps: Fauske (Valnesfjord)
Karl Laurits Olsen wrote on 2024-12-25 at 10:37:Size and smaller hills
According to a newspaper article from 1989 (Nordlands Framtid 31 October 1989), that year the biggest hill had been extended from K44 to K47. There were also two smaller hills that had been extended from K24 to ca. K30 and from K12 to K15.
Ski Jumps: Vainikkala
Kryštof Adámek wrote on 2024-12-24 at 16:29:K15
there was also a K15 built in 1930s location was probably here, also the tower served as an Air control tower during the WW2. this cca coordinates that were around here placed in a book, i doubt i have it 100% exact on milimetres 60.869947, 28.295346. Better to put it as unofficial since i cant see it on older maps.
Ski Jumps: Bodø (Arlia)
Karl Laurits Olsen wrote on 2024-12-26 at 11:32:Hill record
Hill record: 88 m, Kenneth Bråthen (Norway), 16 January 1993. (The extra half metre seems to be an error.)